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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by 66dc75

  1. Call Hagerty Insurance to see if they write policies in Alabama.
  2. 66dc75

    I want one

    That's why he got my vote
  3. 66dc75

    I want one

    I was worried that posting that would lead to some permanent emotional scarring for you
  4. 66dc75

    I want one

    Hope it didn't make you too nauseous
  5. 66dc75

    I want one

    Yeah but I miss the noise already Jim
  6. Yup I put on an extra tank and it already had a shut off valve which I didn't know was there until I met the original owner at a truck show and he filled me in on a lot of stuff.
  7. All of the finer dining establishments have disappeared
  8. Wasn't the last one left located in Ohio?
  9. What's that, about a 10000 lb front axle??
  10. Some blood, some pain, a possible trip to the chiropractor and the air manifold thing is out. That thing is definitely getting relocated someplace else. the low air switch was on top of this up against the bottom of the dash, that would explain the newer one mounted at the wheel sander control. I didn't know the Autocar factory was staffed by sadists. Now that I've got everything apart, I'm seeing wiring that I don't like the looks of. Might as well.........
  11. Actually filed with used fryolator oil for smokey burnouts just like I used to do with my 65 impala after work at the York Steak House when I was 16
  12. It's an electric welder
  13. Finally got the rebuilt air assist steering back on my Autocar. Had to weld the mounting bracket back together due to a dumbass (me) cutting it when I removed the air piston thinking I wouldn't be spending the money to put it back on. I was wrong. Jacked up the front end and greased the hell out of everything. Hooked up the air line and now I can spin the wheel lock to lock with the palm of my hand. Couldn't turn the wheel at all without the truck rolling before. Been chasing down air leaks on this thing for a while and now was down to one leak left in the least accessible spot known to man. 5 port bulkhead fitting top of firewall behind the clutch pedal bracket and every airhose in the truck. so to replace 1 hose, remove dash panel headlight switch panel, wiper switch throttle bracket and undo 6 lines and disconnect the low pressure switch wire just to almost get my hand in there. Sure ain't gonna put any of the old lines back in so now its 6 lines 12 fittings. Hoping to run out of old hoses soon but at least I can turn the steering wheel now without the maxis coming on.
  14. doh! I really got hosed
  15. It never fails, at every truck show least 3-4 people stop and try to figure out what the tanks in front of the wheels are.
  16. I just paid almost $300 for one from my local starter/ battery guy for the Autocar. I thought he liked me obviously not.
  17. I don't think I've seen anything on this on here yet. Been hearing about it coming up for a few months. http://www.13newsnow.com/news/military/historic-battleships-giant-gun-barrels-moving-to-new-homes/507257216
  18. The B67 used the 20" wheel.
  19. I pretty much stopped going to car shows a long time ago, just seemed like it was just a gathering to pick apart and criticize other people's stuff. I got into truck shows and joined ATHS and ATCA about 1991, what a difference. No judging or negativity, and a whole lot more interesting.
  20. Happy B-day and thanks
  21. My first car was a 65 Impala 2 door. 230 straight six and a powerglide. Couldn't get in too much trouble with that car. Wish I had my 70 Monte Carlo and 70 Chevelle back. Actually sold my Astro last week and already wish that did't go.
  22. Not that bad looking actually but couldn't they do a better job on the roof fairing attachment? It looks like they tek screwed it on.
  23. Anybody know what color green was used for the interior of steel dash R models?
  24. Nice
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