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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by 66dc75

  1. And I think I saw Ellie May down by the cement pond.....
  2. That truck was converted to manual transmission during it's working life. Dave Mauro somehow knew where the allison was stored and when he bought and restored the truck reunited them. Not only is the underside as nice as the top side the brake shoes are even painted to match the frame and they were just as shiny.
  3. yeah we talked about that last year at Macungie
  4. Always makes me nervous at shows when people let their 10 or 12 year olds take off through the crowd with a golf cart.
  5. Tire guy showed up right after lunch he had good timing. Ever go to the Brockton Fair when you hung around Brockton in your youth Carl?
  6. Saw them first thing yesterday morning pulling dump trailers.
  7. Brockways and other stuff
  8. Brockton Ma. Fairgrounds yesterday mostly newer stuff but it gets bigger every year and more older stuff has been showing up. Got me primed for Macungie. Mack stuff: One of these days I'm going to find a single axle R model like French's. Love that truck
  9. Wish I could unsee that
  10. That's heap cheap. Mass diesel truck show Brockton Fairgrounds Sunday mostly newer stuff but a lot of antiques too, grab Bill and come down.
  11. There's a local show Sunday I figured since the project moves around on it's own I might as well throw it on the trailer and take it for a Sunday outing. Put a new chin on the Kenworth today too much better than the painted, rusted, dented and broken one that it came with.
  12. Those are military humvee tires. The military changes tires out on all vehicles every few years and a local guy got a hold of a few hundred of the take offs. I bought 5 off him for $200 pretty much brand new. Haven't seen any for sale lately though so I'll have to take care of these.
  13. It's amazing how fast that truck came together, a couple of years ago it was a chassis with wheels. Herb brought it down to Florida where they could put more time into it. It was non running at Macungie last year and it didn't want to go back into the trailer, it fought back all the way in.
  14. Haven't been able to make major progress on this for a while mostly because it has had a real bad overheating problem since I got it running. It would go to 220 to 240 degrees runningat idle for 10 minutes. Changed the tstat and the temp sender and still did the same thing. I didn't want to close up th front until I was sure it was fixed. Took the new tstat out and flusef the colling system . Tested the thermostat and found the SECOND NEW ONE was also defective. Changed it and doesn't go over 180 now. Full speed ahead and mounted the fenders now it's starting to look like something. Got to get going on the doors now
  15. Ted's toybox, awesome place, did you get upstairs too Jim?
  16. Hi Bob, He bought it from a guy in Waterbury Ct last year. Me, Vic, Dana, Matty, and Shawn took a Saturday field trip and drove it back. Think his name is John, he sat at our table at last year's spring breakfast. Funny thing was that John's ex girlfriend used to drive my Autocar for Waterbury Petroleum Products pulling a tanker.
  17. It got shipped down early to get loaded with the Manhattan. Very convenient to have multiple trailers going between Mass and Florida every week. But they did make the trip down old school in a 67 Acar daycab . I would probably break down before I hit Ct. Herb can hop in anything and go anywhere and not have a problem.
  18. Ran like a top all the way to west palm from Weymouth Jim
  19. A couple of my friends Herb Fleck and Victor Bernan are bringing Herb's just finished Mack Manhattan and Victor 's ED tow tow truck to Des Moines. The Manhattan was at Macungie last year mocked about 60 percent done. Looks real nice now, ain't gonna see another one I don't belive. Really wish I was going too but I like Macungie better than any other national show.
  20. Nice to see that you are back
  21. very sorry for your loss
  22. I went to a pizza hut all you could eat lunch buffet. All I could eat was one slice
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