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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by 66dc75

  1. Unlicensed yahoos
  2. Thanks, Bob Nope, was parked in heated garage and was used by a house framer to set trusses and wall sections
  3. 99 T300, 3126 Cat 250 horse, 6 speed Eaton. 14 Ton Terex 73' main boom 40' jib 113' total tip height. Bought from original owner, pretty sure he was the only one who ever drove or operated it, 120K on the clock
  4. Customers keep sending me bigger and heavier signs to put up and my old 45 year old Skyhook sign crane wasn't always quite up to it. So onto the interwebs I went, every crane I called about locally seemed to get sold the day before I called. A crane dealer one town over had this one on their website but it turned out they were just doing a courtesy ad for a customer and the truck was in Bloomfield Ohio. Made some calls found a local mechanic to look at it (he turned out to be a founding member of BMT small world, huh?) got a loan and a driveaway company and it showed up last night. I really wanted a single axle R model crane truck but they are non existent so the KW is a good runner up. Seems like most of these are on F800s with rust issues. Now I can go pick things up and put them down.
  5. The wire from the load side of the brake light switch goes through the turn signal switch and you will have left and right turn signal leads coming from the switch to go to the rear of the truck. These will also take care of the brake lights. There are 2 other leads from the switch that run the front turn signals which are isolated from the rears so the fronts don't come on with the brakes. Most of the time green is right yellow left and brown running lights. If you have left and right leads already hooked up disconnect the wire bugged off the brake switch and see if everthing goes normal
  6. I've never liked meat loaf but this is changing my mind
  7. Brothers are Frank, Fetch, Paul and Andy. Frank broke away on his own many years back and owns Horseless Carriage. Andy (passed away a few years back) ran the moving business. Fetch is retired, and I think Paul works for Frank at HC They had locations in Paterson NJ and Hialea Fl S Malatesta moving has been shut down for a while now. Former S Malatesta White 3000 giving my Acar a lift. All original paint just a little re-lettering work.
  8. Moving forward, Set the shutters up for cable operation, put a vacuum pump on the a/c, it held vacuum for 24 hours so I guess I can charge the system now. Got the radiator shell and hood on today and I need to do some adjustin'. Nice to get in drivers seat and finally see a buldog's ass out in front of me.
  9. Could edge the whole lawn in under 30 seconds
  10. Now that I've seen a video of myself in my b pick up I'm thinking I would have been better off with an R model. I look like Maggilla Gorilla on his mini bike. Jay, Thanks again for going over the crane truck for me. I appreciate it.
  11. Love to buy that but I just spent a lot of money on a crane truck this morning.
  12. Can anybody recommend a good driveaway service to get a small crane truck from Ohio to Boston? Single axle Kenworth T300. I got what I feel is a good price from a J&J Driveaway Inc but I have never needed a truck delivered before. Just wondering if anybody knows of them or has had good luck with someone else.
  13. My truck was a member of your family at one time, your father rescued it from a field somewhere in Ct. , sold it to a guy who sold it to a friend of mine and it ended up with me.
  14. Or could recommend an inspection company in Ohio?
  15. Talking to a guy just south of Youngstown about a crane truck he has for sale and wanted to see if anyone was real close could put eyes on it. Can't justify airfare car rental and hotel for this just yet Thanks
  16. https://www.amazon.com/Polyvance-5700HT-Airless-Plastic-Welder/dp/B00IEX6NME/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1485395353&sr=8-2&keywords=plastic+welder This says it's good for welding plastic radiators
  17. Now that's something you don't see every day, huh?
  18. little better this time, maybe fenders tomorrow
  19. 66dc75


    Most Trump supporters don't have time to go to Washington, they are at work.
  20. Spicer needs to get a lot better at this real quick. I was watching him last night and he didn't seem quite up to the job.
  21. mmmmmmmmmmm......scrapple
  22. I think I have attention to detail deficit disorder
  23. Thanks, 8v92 430hp
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