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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by 66dc75

  1. That was the nicest Deville Vista Cruiser I've ever seen, oh wait that's the only one I've ever seen. That graft job was really well done I'm pretty sure it went up for sale shortly after that Worcester show.
  2. Got going on the front sheet metal, had the hood and filler panels sandblasted, did bodywork, primed and painted them, then couldn't believe how bad they still were. Back to the bench for a redo, going to try to paint everything this weekend. Once I can get the nose on, it should start to look like something.
  3. 66dc75


    Trump is in charge and we are getting our own nuns in training!! New Tilted Kilt going in next to Fenway Park All is well in America
  4. Hey Jim, that's my Astro next to it before I owned it.
  5. Sounds like Lewis Black as a truck driver
  6. Couple of photos from the museum. I thought I had more. Don't miss it we usually stop in there Friday morning on the way to Macungie
  7. Factory is shut down that day. they have the assembly line roped off and you walk along the line on one side, then up the other side. It has become more abbreviated over the years, you used to come in at the loading docks where the parts come in and could go all the way to the other end of the plant. Now the tour is just the center section of the factory. The Mack museum used to be located in a fenced off area inside the plant next to the gift shop which was convenient. A couple of years they had new cl's that you could take for a test drive in the parking lot if you had a CDL. It seems management must have hired Disney execs as now you have to exjt thru the gift shop to get to the shuttle buses.
  8. Last year on the shuttle bus to the plant, the Mack rep told us that they were not going to have plant tours for the next 3 years due to refitting for the new cabs. Anybody know if there is any truth to this?
  9. Nice!
  10. They cut it down to haul large boulders. It actually belongs to John Polilio in Stoughton Ma.
  11. Didn't catch that it was a 2200
  12. https://boston.craigslist.org/sob/hvo/5930744467.html Carlot, Here's one. Probably have to modify floorpan and swap dash.
  13. I should have made patterns and started a side business. They don't look factory by any stretch of the imagination or even really professionally don't but it looks pretty good and I made them in about 3 hours for about $40 bucks in materials.
  14. Yup that's Kevin's he puts a lot of miles on that pickup
  15. Was it this one? https://goo.gl/images/PdGa1K
  16. Yup actually had to throw some more tranny fluid in
  17. Got it to work, first time posting to you tube or embedding video.
  18. Video of first drive Don't know if this link will work firstride.htm
  19. Got the back cab panel and headliner done seats in, and kickpanels with speakers made. Took truck on maiden voyage in the parking lot this morning, 6 months later than I thought I would.
  20. me
  21. Ordered one, thanks Larry
  22. sent you a message
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