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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by 66dc75

  1. That building is still there. I go up and down that street all the time. If anyone is familiar with George's truck repair and heavy towing its about 50 feet to the left of the railroad tracks.
  2. 66dc75

    Shop Talk

    New England sucks weatherwise, if I had a time machine I would go back and slap my grandparents around for settling in the people's republic of Massachusetts instead of someplace like the Carolinas
  3. Jabba the health secretary
  4. Did just that with my 3208 cat twice!
  5. Why am I the only one looking the wrong way?????
  6. I think it would look good with a sign crane on it.
  7. This one has been sitting in front of Ballard Mack in Wareham Ma since late March. I think it's still there.
  8. It was me Bob I lived 6 houses down from the Brockton store, it's all closed down now. LePage Bakeries is big around here now, they have the warehouse next to my shop.
  9. Looks like I ran out of attachment space. How do I delete stuff to free up space?
  10. This was parked down the street from my house tonight.
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