Well, after 22 months of fighting with the disaster known as Twin Y, it finally came to an end. After Mack invested an unbelievable amount of money and my time into this suspension, frame crossmembers and transmission,they gave up and agreed to get me out of it. Dropped off the truck at the dealership and am just waiting to take delivery of a new CHU with AL suspension and an Eaton 18 spd. I would rather have seen them take the truck back and write me a cheque for my 90 + days of downtime and the 4 sets of tires it went thru, but that will never happen. Hopefully the new truck will be reasonably trouble free. Hell, it couldn't be any worse, could it? If anyone out there is even remotely considering the Twin Y suspension, RUN AWAY AS FAST AS YOU CAN before you have to endure all the B.S. that I did. Thanks to everyone for your ideas and listening to my rants over the last year.