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skip last won the day on December 19 2013

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  • Birthday 03/06/1983


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    Mangoplah, NSW Australia

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  1. The gearbox mentioned sounds similar to a TRDXL1070, and a TRDXL107. These were both 5 speed main sections with a high/low section. The TRDXL1070 has a lockout in the compund section which only allows the second lever to be shifted when the main is in 4th and 5th. The TRDXL107 has a lockout in the compound section which only allows the second lever to be shifted when the main is in 1st and reverse. Can someone tell me what the difference is in the gearbox mentioned?
  2. Gday everyone we are holding a Mack Muster in Kyabram in regional Victoria on the the 15th and 16th of March. Kyabram is a small town about 2 hours north west of Melbourne. We are hoping for a big turn out of old and new Macks, and lots of enthusiasts. Its a huge ask for most of you to come across but you are all more than welcome to come along and see some Aussie Macks. Best Regards, Skip.
  3. You wont be able to buy parts for that engine if it shits itself. If you want 400hp then get an E9. Personally I wouldnt use an 865 for that sort of work. Thats just my opinion. Skip
  4. Yep its on the back of the injector pump. Make sure you fill both filters with fresh fuel first. And if you havent started the thing up for a while (sorry Im not sure if you've had it running while youve had the truck), and its been sitting for an extended period, give stopper lever a couple of good flicks with the cable off it, make sure you can hear the rack in the pump 'clacking' back. Ive had one here that the LHS rack had been stuck on, and it had been sitting less than 2 years. It flew out to high revs on startup, lucky I had a block of wood to cover the intake, andgotit stopped quickly. Good luck.Skip.
  5. It sure does Vinny. The motor was pulled down when I got it,and we rebuilt it from top to bottom. Very hard to find parts for. Its one of only 25 RH drive units produced
  6. Hey guys here is my R615RS (Flintstone) with my F785RS on the back. It was after a local truck show earlier in the year. Regards, Skip
  7. Vladislav that belongs to LW & Ck Cocks transport from Eden, which is on the coast between Sydney and Melbourne. They used to have 4 or 5 Superliners and this is their last one, and its still working. They are great looking trucks, Ive been lucky enough to get a few photos of this one over the years
  8. Thanks for the replies everyone. It is a good old truck,although the cab needs a tidy up, Im hoping to get that done next year. The harvest here in south eastern australia, is mostly wheat with some canola and barley. Average trip for me this year was around 18 mile or so. Most loads on this outfit are between 27 and 28 ton. around 43 ton GCM. Plenty of weight for a 237 to get moving! Now Vladislav you may be thinking of a Superliner tow truck (wrecker) in the red and silver colours. It was owned by the same company that owned my F. It had a wrecker body on it before I bought it, but the previous owner kept it. Those trucks operated north of Sydney on the Pacific Highway. Thanks for the input guys. Skip
  9. Gday everyone. I thought I might post a couple of shots of my F785RS, it has just finished harvest for this year. 237 Maxidyne (greatest engine ever) with a 9spd Roadranger. 1970 model. I carted about 3000 tons with it this year. I also included a photo with our other F785RS on the back on the way home from a truck show this year. Regards, Skip
  10. Gday everyone. Im not sure if this will work properly, but Ive tried to put up a picture of the dash layout of my 1967 R615RS.There should also be a shot of the dash panel on my F785RSRegards,Skip
  11. It looks like an F model dash panel. The R models that came out here had 5 guages (2 large 3 small) in the panel under the steering wheel, and a smaller rectangle panel to the left of it with 2 more guages and a large pyro if it was ordered. The F models had all 7 guages in the one panel, and the pyro was halfway accross the dash. Ive never seen this panel in an R model before, it might be a very early one, like a 65 model. Skip
  12. Thanks for the replies fellas. I had a mate tell me that it couldve been a cruiseliner setup, but I didnt think cruiseliners ever had a twin stick arrangement. Also this is on a 1970 model truck, and we didnt see cruiseliners out here until 1980. I will get a photo. I also have a quad box that I bought from a wrecker with the F model levers and it has a similar setup. I will try and get them posted soon. Thanks again everyone. Skip
  13. Gday everyone. Ive got a 1970 model F785RS. It has an unusual gear stick lingage on it, but it looks genuine. It has a 9 spd roadranger in it now, but it did have a twin stick 6 spd in it from new. The stick/s stay with the cab when the cab is tilted. They are mounted into a ball socket arrangement in the floor, with the bottom part of the lever exposed to fit into a selector cup/slide which is bolted high up on the angled side of the cab gantry. All the other Australian F models Ive seen have a low mounted remote selector box mounted on the cab gantry. I will try and get a photo posted of it soon. Has anyone seen a linkage similar to this? Regards, Skip.
  14. Mackdaddy you have one of the best examples of a V8 Valueliner that I have ever seen. I live about half an hour away from Glenns yard and have seen it for the last 15 or 20 years, and it has never looked more than a day old this whole time. It used to run accross to Perth once a week and it was always immaculate. Its just a credit to him. Good luck with it, it will be a show stopper over there.
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