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Everything posted by wrenching4life

  1. I see no soot on any manifold gasket areas, and didn't feel and "hot exhaust air " while running. And the exhaust manifolds were brand new Mack.
  2. Hey all just trying to rule out a possible head gasket failure, I recently completely rebuilt the whole top end, heads were done by Francis, I used factory Mack head gaskets, and ARP head bolts. Problem is today while hauling I began hearing a ticking noise, sounds like an exhaust leak but I can't find and or see any, no soot marks, and can't feel anything at all the joints while running. So that leads me to think it's either valve train or compression loss out of the head gasket. The noise"ticking" is only coming from the back head on the driver side, which is the one that blew a gasket originally, from two broken head bolts. Looking around the head gasket area on that one head it appears to be oil resedue where all the other heads are dry as can be no resedue at all. any thoughts, anything I should check, I plan on checking valves, is it possible to check for compression leakage around the base of the head? It rather not pull the head unless I'm certain I the gasket has failed. thanks all
  3. The egt's are low loaded driving hard, and no matter what I can't get over 34 lbs. apparently that's all the steam she's got.
  4. not sure on the pump, I gave Dale all the spec's and he said he would build all my components to match, he said i should be seeing around 45 lbs and 750 hp. all my gauges are Autometer, i have a boost gauge that goes to 60 lbs and i have a pyrometer that has yet under a hard load to get above 1100 degrees, i do keep a close eye on it. The pyro is post turbo in the 5" elbow off the turbo. The turbo is a MACK Australian Road Train Turbo 610hp turbo, its a 75mm
  5. He was checkIng boost just holding it at 2100? Heck that's no way to check. I built a tool that clamps onto the turbo intake side (4") with a gauge- valve and a relief so I know exactly what Psi I'm at, and compare to the gauge on my dash, I put 30lbs to the whole motor And also did another test by isolating and just testing the intercooler. That's as high as I felt I needed to go. Perhaps I'll have to test again at a higher pressure but dead headed at 30 pounds was at the time all I dared to go. Heck if nothing showed a major leak by then id say I was good, I still must be missing something
  6. Valves are adjusted per the manual, I'm running 20° timing that's what dale told me to set it to, yes I have dual air cleaners side mounted with Australian snorkels, and K&N air filters. Again iv found no boost leaks And spraying soap water showed no issues. Yes it is the stock air to air intercooler that was on the truck when we got it. As well, the pump is original to the truck as far as I know. Judging by what you all are saying I should be seeing all of 45 lbs with my motor set up, and I'm far from that.
  7. The linkage is going full and just breaking over (per Mack instructions, i am seeing a haze out of the stacks I would not call it heavy smoke at all. I am using brand new stock manifolds that are ported and polished. The exhaust is 5" turbo to stacks and 5" to 6" stacks no mufflers. The 3 days after the first heat cycle, I had 88k on the lowbed grossed 130K if that's not working/ loaded I am not sure what is haha. That is when I was getting around 30-33 lbs the boost gauge was bouncy (flutters)
  8. Hey all I just finished putting our E9 in our superliner back together, and I am wondering how much boost pressure I should be seeing? Dale Francis re worked the injection pump ( V8 ambac) made custom injectors, I also got performance heads from him, and I am running his over sized injection lines. The turbo is a MACK 5142AM (75mm) turbo. The engine is fuel fed by a FASS Fuel system. And I have dual outside air cleaners. I am only seeing about 30 to 33 lbs of boost. That seems low to me, Dale said I should see around 45. any thoughts? I have checked for boost leaks and cant seem to find any. Thanks all!!
  9. Awesome Thank you So much for all your help! That sure shows what I need!
  10. Anyone have any more insight on the return spring tabs? It seems the vertical spring tab makes the most sense to aim straight down (correct me if I am wrong), does the spring that attaches to the valley bolt mount/attach real close to the bolt head? or is it a longer tab? Thanks All!
  11. Hey all, I am in the process of freshening up the top end on the Ambac injected E9. I have from what I think all the gaskets and components ready to install. Im just wondering if anyone has any tips or tricks to sealing these motors up as close to 100% as possible. Or for that matter any input would be awesome. Thanks All.
  12. here is what mine looks like, is this correct?
  13. Awesome! thank you very much for the pictures that clarifies a lot, I still have the tab intact for the vertical spring, the horizontal spring and its components are completely gone, the tab by the turbo is that on the valley cover? The tab for the vertical spring which way was it originally? straight out, bent at a 90*, bent down? Our tab looks like at one point it was straight up but now looks like its bent downward. Thanks all.
  14. Hey all, we have a 89 Superliner with the E9 and the throttle return for the Ambac Vee style injection pump seems like something is missing, the dealer is showing two return springs, we only have one, and the bracket that the spring mounted to seems to be bent. all in short it sometimes does not return all the way without some toe assistance, it is a cable throttle not air. does anyone have a "correct" picture of the throttle return setup? or can explain where the springs go and what they hook to? Thanks All!
  15. Well in my search for components I managed to come across the correct brackets to mount the compressor and now I have a R-12 compressor that came with the brackets. the grill-denser is still on the truck and in good shape. so now I need to find the rest of the parts. I really would like to cool with 134A possibly i could convert the R-12 one that I have. Does anyone have any information on the wiring or other components I need. the dealer still says there is not really a parts breakdown or pictures for the rest of the components
  16. So would I be able to make the front two heads work together on a switch and then make another switch for the rear heads? so if I turn both switches on its FULL and only one switch is HALF? it would make sense but I am not sure if it would put to much stress on the crank.
  17. you would not happen to have a wiring pin-out or diagram would you? or any other further diagnostic?
  18. I found a third in the glove box and all are in good shape. still no self check and their is 12v at all the breakers and fuses. any other thoughts?
  19. Hey all, iv yet to find the answer and a search did not show me much. Im wondering what it takes to mount a aftermarket stainless visor on our trucks. Do they mount to the factory Lund visor holes?
  20. Hey all I have an 04 Granite you turn the key on there is no ABS light bulb check in the dash and also i don't hear the ABS self checking on the chassis the "clicking" noise. Iv checked the fuse on the driver side firewall and iv checked the two circuit breakers inside the cab on the pass side all have power and are in good working order, any thoughts? thanks all!
  21. That is what I was thinking, I'd be intersted if anyone has done this or has a truck with a high and low, or if I could come up with a wiring diagram
  22. I'm located in Somers CT, I really appreciate all the help on this one!
  23. Well my dealer like before knows nothing about any updates or anything... The said calling mack tech will do nothing and seens how mack and volvo are one of the same the guy said, the days of tuning and updating are long gone.... This is so frustrating all I want is a 460 horse truck to be a 460horse... I mean I'd take more but heck it feels like a wooping 150hp
  24. Hey all I have a 1989 rw713 with the 450 E9 right now the engine brake is on or off is it possible to make it a high, low and off? It seems there is a wire runnin to each head those would be the engine brake wires correct? Thanks all
  25. That would be awesome the vin is: 04 mack cv713 1M2AG10C04M010568
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