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  1. I personally never had a exemption letter, but the 1st one I did tell the guy the truck was not going to be worked. Several other trucks done after didn't even tell them that.
  2. If not going to be "used/worked", with a antique plate, go to DMV with insurance card, title ( if post 1980) bill of sale, reg form filled out, and go home with plates, no inspection needed. If any problems, explain to them it is a toy, you go to shows, and do not work it. If for some reason no go, visit another branch. No problem at Bridgeport branch, other than the lines.
  3. The guy that works for the company changed it out and put the body on a few years back. Another buddy was working for Hallamore at the time truck was purchased.......
  4. Ex-Hallamore truck, I believe. And Bryan, stay out of my back yard!
  5. Mondo Construction , 460 with an 18
  6. + 1 on sauce, that's what Grandma called it, so........... Let the arguments begin!!
  7. Gorman Peterbilt, 55o Cummins
  8. Couple seasons back, guy lost the oil line going to the turbo, only lost 3 quarts, but made this mess done.bmp
  9. Gorman (out of NY) doing a job here in Ct, so I will put the pics here
  10. Used to do the same thing on my RD with a 8LL. My brother was brutal (on his truck) . Showed him how to do it, he said "Oh", but he would rather slip the clutch like riding a two stroke MX bike than use deep, think the blue button scared him. One reason I never let him drive mine.
  11. Bryan's cousin (Blue KW) racing in Canada last year https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vCSnLVBCoYI
  12. my 2 Cat D-4s
  13. T.E.and M. Recycles International roll off
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