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About jswilliams

  • Birthday 04/09/1979


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    Farmer from Southwest GA
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  1. Oh ok so I probably don't have a boost leak bc Im not trailing any smoke. No Pyro installed yet. I looked at the fins on the turbo and they seem to have some buildup on them which may be causing the low boost issue. I'll try the torque limit switch and if that don't work I think I'm gonna install larger injectors and possibly a new turbo.
  2. Just the info I needed. Thanks a lot. If I were to install larger injectors like the Rochester stage 2's for example, do I have to take the truck to Mack to have the computer reprogrammed for it to have more power or does it just spray more fuel with the larger injectors?
  3. Yeah that's what I was trying to figure out too. I've also read on here before that Mack recommended a 30 psi test and that the pressure could not drop more than 3 psi in 15 seconds to pass the test. My pressure drops to zero in less than 15 seconds.
  4. I don't understand why I can't pump air into the system and only get up to 20-22 psi. After that it just stops climbing yet I can't hear or see any leaks. And I'm using a compressor capable of 27 cfm. I hook on the pipe coming off the turbo and pressurize the air cooler, intake manifold, and so on. Even bypassed the hose that goes around to the compressor to eliminate it.
  5. I unplugged what I thought was the torque limit switch on the top of the transmission close to where the shifter goes into the top. Made no difference. It's a T2090 transmission if that tells you anything.
  6. I have a 97 ch613 with an e7-350 and it's very weak. Boost gauge only goes to 20 at the most and 90% of the time it only goes to 15. A little black smoke when I shift but nothing crazy. I have a blixxton box installed and it makes no difference what so ever. I pressure tested the charge air cooler and its fine I also bypassed the compressor intake hose by screwing it out and plugging the hole in the intake manifold. When I put air on the intake manifold I can barely get the pressure to 25 psi and it takes a while and as soon as I remove the air chuck it drops instantly. No air leaks can be found or heard and soapy water has been sprayed everywhere. Can it leak somewhere in the head and I not be able to tell? Also is there anything I can check to make it pull better? Also all of the filters are new.
  7. Its a box that plugs into the deutsch plug between the ecm and injector pump. Gives it more fuel. Capable of upping the hp 30% supposedly.
  8. If it turns over but won't start its probably a loose wire or bad connection in the plug. Mine did that also. I had to send mine back bc the terminals didn't match up on the plugs. Might want to look at the plugs and make sure they match up.
  9. Talked to the guys at Rochester diesel and they said it depends where the truck was built. Some had 7 terminals in the deutsch plug and some had 5 like mine. No reason for it some were just wired differently . Problem is blixxton will not work on mine w the 5 terminals on the plug. The guys at pdq said they can re do the plug on the blixxton if I can figure out what the five pins do bc Mack was no help to them. Does anyone have any idea where I could find a schematic of the deutsch plug on the injector pump? Or actually I need a schematic of the five pins coming from the ecu. Thanks for any help guys
  10. I have a 1996 ch600 I'm trying to add a blixxton to, to get more power. They sent it and after installing I noticed no difference. Called pdq and they said to check the plug on the pump and my terminals didn't match theres. They said send it back they would fix it. Called today and they said theyd never seen a setup like mine and didn't really know how to wire the terminals on the plug. My injector pump side has 7 terminals on the 9 pin plug filled and the other end only has 5 terminals on the 9 pin plug. They said they'd need a diagram to do it and the one mack sent them was what they originally sent me. This is a 1997 model truck but the engine tag says 1996 E7-350. Any ideas on how to fix this?
  11. I finally started unplugging sensors and it just so happened that I started with one on the oil filter base and it cured the problem. Been running fine ever since.
  12. Spoke to soon. It's cutting off again. Electronic malfunction and engine shutdown lights coming on. Tried to bypass coolant level sensor w a paper clip but I don't know if that's even possible. Any other things i need to check?
  13. I was getting a shutdown light and didn't realize low coolant would keep it from running. I topped off the reservoir and so far it's running fine. Thanks for the info
  14. I've got a 1996 e7 330 that has started cutting off over and over. Cranks back up fine without hesitation but right away it cuts back off . Any ideas on what this could be? Thanks
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