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Pedigreed Bulldog
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carlotpilot last won the day on October 31 2023

carlotpilot had the most liked content!

1 Follower

About carlotpilot

  • Birthday 08/13/1946


  • Location
    virginia us

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    to many to complete
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Community Answers

  1. well where did you move to
  2. we`ve had a few bumps but got past them we`re still hangin in there. and thanks to everyone else for the welcome back
  3. matt what a classic resto even if it took years . some high dollar wood on the back to. vids worked fine I hav`nt heard a 220 running in years. BEAUTIFUL
  4. been a long time but sure looking good
  5. just lettin everyone know i`m still around don`t get on much any more . am lookin for update on matt73 s project
  6. since this seems to be a detroit diesel page will add to it. I have a v671 running engine out of an air compressor for sale if any one is interested . might possibly trade it for something
  7. just caught up with all this since back in the summer. quite a story` glad to hear no real bad damage to the block & crank looks like you got it well under control though . double check all specs which i`m sure you will before you put it all back together
  8. look frward to seeing them
  9. well just damn . belated congrats to you both
  10. happy holiday season tom. glad to see you`re still putting the pics up i haven't been on here much lately been a rotten year
  11. Havent seen you post lately,,,     anyway......    Happy Birthday!!   jojo

  12. can`t argue with a picture but first year of dco 405 known as emeryville was 1957
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