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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by carlotpilot

  1. how many total trailers can be pulled ctoc legally there i have heard lots of tales?,
  2. picture a trip down loveland with those brakes and about 12 tons on the back
  3. ooops
  4. 16 degrees here in the valley at 12.20 am
  5. remind me to tell my plumbing story some time
  6. looking for 2 19,5 alum wheels 8 lug pattern for f-450 ford
  7. hot topic
  8. that makes for a real loss. are you sure it its not completely gone ? lot of heat and smoke damage to the outside but maybe not as bad as it looks
  9. nice little truck bet the transmission s worn out
  10. good greif charlie brown you found the great pumpkin
  11. I`d have to say an alignment prob since both axles steered
  12. will check on this one
  13. i have changed at least 50 of these things in all kinds of weather . my first public job was at a truck stop went to school and worked 4 to 12 pumping fuel cleaning wind shields and changing tires that was over 50 years ago too change an inside flat you had to take both out side tires off pull the two pulleys and the belt off at the same time then fix or change the inside one replace it then put the whole mess back together then line up the out side wheels so that you had no wobble do it all while the driver was bitching at you to hurry up cause he was late and do it all with hand tools pay was$ 6.00 a shift
  14. i have some not sure how many at the moment will look and let you know
  15. agreed i must have had a stuck button
  16. try changing an inside flat in the snow and yes they were live all the time
  17. these things were common all over the country in late 50s early 60s va -carolina ran bunches of them however thats a first i have seen on a kw
  18. after all these years i now know what that funky looking thing was. i saw it on the road going the opposite direction some where in mo in 67 or 68
  19. 4 new hd tow pins 2x2``x12 made for mack . don`t know which.$ 75.00 ea
  20. 4 new hd tow pins 2x2``x12 made for mack . don`t know which.$ 75.00 ea
  21. 4 new hd tow pins 2x2``x12 made for mack . don`t know which.$ 75.00 ea
  22. jackass journey lol
  23. naw naw he invented the internet and various other myths
  24. i have a 16.5 twin hoist flat dump steel floor in good shape ??
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