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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by carlotpilot

  1. had one redone for a cummins few months ago co is located in colorado had good luck with them wiil dig up the reciept and post their info for you if i remember right cost was 1245.00
  2. i have an 86 low slung freightliner that needs one of those cab lock handles will post a pic of it if i can find it
  3. 8900.00 a pound ?
  4. aluminium would work for me if we can figure out how to join it. look forward to hearing from you
  5. joined this site a couple months ago. glad i did i can find more info here in 15 mins. than i can in 2 hours on others. this is to thank all the folks involved in running the site and all the posters of pictures and info and anything else you can think of haven`t set up a profile yet but will do that soon cc
  6. check hemming every issue--------------
  7. thanks paul i am going to try to make it to csle the pieces i need are mostly sheet metal both sides rear lower areas + center section for front bumper however i think i found the bumper part
  8. thanks for the reminder i had forgotten all about the mopar show` next week end huh? with that in mind i`m going to try to make it up there. never been to any carlisle show
  9. any one know an old school auto body man who can make auto body parts from scratch ?preferably in va. but will consider other areas. i know this is a truck site but don`t hurt to ask am working on a 66 chrysler300and body parts for that thing just don`t seem to exist
  10. please you are insulting that poor donkey
  11. bet them little wheels have a hard time
  12. just a little to new for what i have in mind lol nice old rig though would like to see that one redone
  13. have a complete with glass and handles driver side fiber glass door for an mh 80s year model make offer
  14. with in 90 days i will bet there will be signs at at the state line announcing that any recording device in commecial vehicles are illegal 6/29/14
  15. glad hand or right hand?
  16. what was the high bid on that street corner?
  17. what a surprise these young uns get when they find out shit stinks no matter where it comes from
  18. i would be on the phone to mack- raising hell
  19. roadway had a bunch of thore things
  20. i was thinking of cranks
  21. that old detroit powered euclid sure rings a bell l ran an 8240 for many hours
  22. right on mike now if we could do somthing about electric starters---------------lol
  23. looking for older usable drop frame moving van 40 45 48 foot prefer air ride the more doors the better buy or trade let me know what you have or know of thks.cc FOUND
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