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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by carlotpilot

  1. mike harbison ( superdog) probably has 1 or 2 of each check him out
  2. i would guess wood chips
  3. this latest will cost them millions more
  4. wonder if keystone museum has looked at this
  5. just like the old harleys except this one won`t toss ya over the handle bars
  6. bob you`re right there among those beasts . likely a few real mccoys for sale near by
  7. recycle bin ??
  8. would have liked to have been there but spent my day pulling the motor out of my zero turn . damn thing is leaking oil out the side at about a quart an hour. looks like the pan gasket blew a hole right behind the filter base . this is going to turn into a project for sure
  9. these tool s work great BUT trying to use them with out super slick lube they are just as hard to handle as the regular tools
  10. fwiw I have an old craftsman 1850 rpm i used with a stitch wheel and the brown jewelers rouge. don`t know if they`re still available or not but the slower turning wheel always worked best for me. don`t do a lot of that foolishment anymore
  11. any body have 1 or more 24 'flatbed bodys in useable cond. for sale need 3
  12. subsoil cement used to to gain 95% compaction in soggy soil situations
  13. not really .mostly cosmetic
  14. if it aint runnin off front&back n both sides it aint loaded
  15. thats a fine lookin big star but the guy takin the pictures needs to polish his shoes . makes the bumper look bad
  16. thats the max legal wgt. for a pull trailer also . truck is not registered for 80.g by its self
  17. ummm to little bend to easy
  18. absolutely gorgeous
  19. hey and that ain`t a mack draggin it
  20. thats to much motor for me paul . i`d hurt myself with it
  21. T 370 peterbilts 07&08 yr mdl.
  22. well paul here is a couple i rounded up this week from western arkansas out near dogpatch usa. they will become 24' flat beds pic. is fuzzy heres a better one
  23. understood . if you ever have to grab one of those wheels with greasy hands or an oily glove it never comes off. off white plastic would be my choice
  24. nice lookin dash but that funky grease soaking steer wheel would have to go
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