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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by carlotpilot

  1. on the subject of old dumpers , who knows what a stockpile mule is -what it looks like and how does it operate ?
  2. sooner the better paul
  3. BE CAREFUL do not run over snowflakes
  4. jim find us a pic of a 992 with a spade nose bucket ( nello teer) had several of them
  5. abf actually ran a few of those things. I was able to look one over closely in texas . no desire to drive at all
  6. ONE OF THE BEST all around track loaders ever built
  7. as recent as 2 years ago i saw one in working condition at a concrete plant in marathon fla. single axle 22 ft long
  8. seen a pair of fish netters in a un named big box store the other day that could have been used for mosquito netting on a 4 man tent
  9. steer car does have brakes just not controlled by the guy steering it
  10. from what i can see a wire tie has some how cut an air line DISREGARD BAD PICTURE ANGLE thats an air dist. block just what the leaking switch is for i`m not sure
  11. carlotpilot


    find a dealer in you`re area who handles grand rock exhaust or check out their site grandrock.com
  12. may have what you want will send pics.
  13. fwiw volvo i think is aiming at the last mile hauler
  14. no mistaking that one was put together to work
  15. theres a 97 for sale here jn the valley for sale with a bad cummins in it on harrisonburg va craiglist will look closer at it. its not a bad looking truck its a 9300 ----- 4000.00 obo 9300
  16. I`d kinda like to see that too
  17. at least he got it stopped before it got really crazy . credit due
  18. another parking lot chariot for the soccer moms ?
  19. get the paint all matched and wheels n tanks cleaned up will be a fine looking project. I ran across a guy in florida a few yrs.ago who had built one similar to that with a cracker box gmc `one of the best looking outfits of that type i`ve ever seen .he was from idaho and worked for boeing aircraft so you can imagine what his metal work looked like
  20. you`ll need to enlarge the home shop a little for a lathe` and for all the stuff that will show up after friends find out you have it
  21. jp is a character
  22. and the one that i got to make one trip in was a pleasure to drive
  23. you can`t turn em tight` can`t keep tires on em because if you have to get on brakes hard you flat spot tires` single landing gear sinks when loaded ` are a real pain for one person to hookup` single gear usualy won`t lift tongue if dropped loaded or bump it a little to hard and collapse the gear` plus lots more reasons( i )don`t like em this is one more reason not to like though not involved
  24. fwiw `the ladder idea sounds like the way to go to me personally i would not trade what you have pictured for 2 of any make pintle hitch trs.
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