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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by carlotpilot

  1. you could`nt recruit him to assemble it to ?
  2. never heard a 50 ford called either of those names but if given the choice i`d get in the cheif`s car and leave
  3. thats an awesome color `` super body work also
  4. mr. pelkey gets my vote
  5. the wrecker looks like it would do the job
  6. danville va hummph co .i`m with is moving to dv ` bought a lot down there in the city limits
  7. there are just a few left but craig list and evil bay are where most will show up if any are being sold . you likely already know that` good luck
  8. sooner or later i`m going to try some of this type stuff on some chrome parts from one of my cars and see how it turns out
  9. I watched one vid on this kind of stuff where they sprayed it with distilled water immed, after spraying the paint anyone seen that one? really looked good but it was done in a very controlled paint booth
  10. I can remember my mother washing clothes . she would have a tub full of wash water another for rinse another smaller one to dump wet clothes in to carry to the line for drying and a bag full of wooden clothepins to keep them on the line . was an all day job. i think we got her first washing machine about 51or 52 was an old used maytag wringer. how did we get on washing clothes
  11. they`re not for makin noise they are for clothes washing` in a tub of hot water .set that thing in the tub grab whatever you`re washing and scrub em on the rough side of the board. the old ones that my mom used were zinc plated tin not glass back breakin job if you`ve got lots of laundry
  12. if you Are REALLY interested I will explain how it works
  13. there was another just a day or so ago in ohio i think` old gal 300lbs or better wanted to play` her 120 lb boy friend was`nt having any part of what she wanted so she beat him up then sat on him. smothered him
  14. must have been a pretty good pan she was charged with attempted murder
  15. that was`nt the guy whose girl friend beat him severely because he would`nt git in bed with her was it? she used a copper skillet
  16. positrac now for sure
  17. bravo and for grins&giggles heres a little of my welding
  18. wow you`re in rare form tonight lol
  19. I do but what i have to go get is to big for it 32 ft long 13.5 high box truck
  20. he had go head first
  21. I`m tryin to figure out how the driver got that dead axle to back up that dirt pile
  22. I remember a sanitary sewer installation job from about 40 years ago where that would have really been useful
  23. you had to stay on very good terms with those shovel operators if you were the guy in the cab
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