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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by carlotpilot

  1. sadly if that truck stays in kalifornia much longer it`ll wind up in a scrap pile
  2. I`ve seen a couple that climbed up on to a bar stool then laid their belly ON the bar
  3. quite a performance lead vocalist really working at it
  4. yes an update is due herbs coming along just fine for the situation he`s home in indiana told me a couple days ago his doc was going to release him to drive his pickup but not anything big. doctor is suprised at the progress he`s made
  5. looks good come on down here and do some more
  6. funny you mentioned motorcycle`s i have a guy trying to sell me an 03 harley 100th anv. bike good price and a nice bike but i`m to brittle to get on one now
  7. amalie used to produce a really vile smelling oil for those which i don`think is available anymore but as rob said any good brand 90 wt, gear oil will work just fine
  8. PARASKEVIDEKATRIAPHOBIA the fear of friday the 13th but don`t worry about how to pronounce it it`s almost over
  9. ain`t gonna comment on looks but he obviously does nice work
  10. when was the last time you looked at the motor mount pads 30.000 hrs`they could be getting thin` steel to steel will cause all sorts of problems
  11. when you get all the bolts tight send that rig east I`ve got a job for it
  12. Happy birth day mike
  13. cornfield cadillac 13 letter shxt slinger
  14. not exactly a chain around a trans mission but it worked. more than a few years ago four of us were running together across arizona it was a sunday afternoon hotter than hell. we came across an elderly couple broke down on the side of I -10 about 80 miles west of phoenix` no auto traffic was stopping to see what was wrong so we all stopped` to make a long story short their trans had blown the seals and lost all the fluid` none to be had out there so we poured about a quart and a half( all the motor oil) we could muster into the trans filled it the rest of way up with water and east to phoenix we all went got them to a dealer and a cab to a motel. somehow I can`t picture that happening in 2018
  15. that rig has to be one of a very few
  16. I could imagine you read my pm?
  17. saw him burn up some bandag recaps on a couple different occasions but never did get a look at the whale
  18. we pull tri axle underbridge inspection trailers with elec. brakes with air brake trucks and what a pita those things are to keep them working the trailers are upward of 16.000 lbs so we have to keep brakes operable
  19. sending a pm was going send a pic also have to reduce some to send will be along shortly
  20. I` got a 65 mb good runner for sale cheap but you`d have to stretch it to put a box on
  21. larry if you ever get those damn things figured out would you please let me know how you did it
  22. if I did`nt know better i`d swear the back half of the cab on the wrecker came from an emeryville intl.
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