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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by carlotpilot

  1. rob find a euclid industries catalog every kind of part you could need
  2. I like em both could`nt drive either one
  3. lots of A especially heavy ones
  4. if you can clean the front end of the pinion shaft enough to read the ratio # the mfg. name should be there to
  5. fwiw that looks to be an R170 rockwell with a mack brand
  6. glad to hear that still hav`nt made it over there just 100 or so miles away
  7. seen that shortly after he started running the country with it` was one of the best looking rigs on the road also note the chrome steel wheels no alum. for ty
  8. kinda sounds like an old 335 with a broke head bolt
  9. classy wrecker i noticed the singles right off
  10. 1961 the year i got my drivers license
  11. ahh to go back and revisit some of those years` some better forgotten
  12. thats a very good lookin 61 if its as rust free as it looks in the pictures it should not be hard to find a home for it. price is what someone who really wants a b-61 will pay i`ve seen them on this and other sites for 1200.00 up to 16.000 i`ll let others on here have their say welcome to bmt i don`t think 50 grand would buy this one
  13. somewhere around 430
  14. I stand corrected I saw this thing in 69-or 70 it did`nt have but 6 cyl .so it must have been a 110 with an add. turbo it was hooked to a 4 axle lowboy with about a 70 ton crane cab on it owner - driver said it was a 149 the truck had a heavy haul set up
  15. supposedly was intended for a boat
  16. inline 6 cyl detroit with 149 cubes per cyl
  17. it was not a factory set up was put together in wierton wva. but a very professional install
  18. knew a guy from ohio used to have a transtar same paint scheme as that one with a turboed 6-149 in it did a fine job
  19. well said only a couple left here local that have a clue
  20. not yet will post when it does
  21. and not one of em wearin a hard hat
  22. mack ain`t what it used to be
  23. there used to be a 27 kw at a truck shop over in the same complex where the evergreen truck stop used to be it was a log hauler hooked to a trlr with a single redwood log loaded. and at that time it was driveable . I looked it over just a few days before mt st helens blew its top i believe the owners name was brown browns truck service sure hope the one in you`re pic is not the same one
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