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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by carlotpilot

  1. pressure regulator
  2. I`LL throw in one more
  3. windemupletitoutturnemupgmc
  4. some awesome pics sure glad I don`t have to deal with that mess stay warm
  5. a couple years ago I shipped 2 24.5 alum wheels to a guy who had a bus co in nsw don`t remember having any trouble with that deal how many are you looking for -new -used ?
  6. that will sure put some water back in the ground
  7. will do I had the same problem with a new phone . really irked me until i found all the right buttons
  8. paul thanks for asking at the moment I can`t think of anything he really needs
  9. update on the old jammer he has survived alll the surguries and doing well. he`s been moved to a rehab center in ft.collins colo. and is expected to be there for a month or so . I have been to laramie wyo got the truck thawed out and brought it home to ind. spent some time at the hosp. in loveland thurs. and sat of last week herb says thank everybody for the well wishes
  10. thank you sir
  11. yes so do I hes a tough old fart so I think he`ll be alright but sure going to be limited to what he can do, I`m headed to laramie first of the week to bring his tractor home I`ll stop in loveland and see him on the way out and pick up his keys
  12. that could be one of a kind a conversation piece for sure engine cleaned up really well for having been stuck
  13. guys a real good friend of mine had a heart attack sunday night feb 5 up in laramie wyo. he has survived being gathered up out of a parking lot at a truck stop. trans ported to loveland colo. gone through a quadruple bypass and whatever else they had to do. hes not out of the woods yet but sure working on it would appreciate it if those who can would( text) him a get well and git the hell out of there message. had not said anything about this sooner as i was waiting to see how it was going to play out herb 574-529-8031
  14. I wear that dan post model daily. it has the most comfortable ankle support of just about any boot I have ever worn and the toe protection is great not to be steel toed also the upper is well padded for when ya get whacked across the shin
  15. fwiw have a look at dan post line 69681 is a nice work boot wtr. proof and actually looks like a boot
  16. there is an axle made that uses taper drive in wedges dont know at the moment whose brand but you drive one in from rear and other from front those can be a bitch
  17. I brought that up because I tackled one once that had both ends broken off . thought it was just missing but there was about 11/4 in.of a pin still in the hole almost got to the same point you did
  18. you are aware of the horizontal keeper pins?
  19. thanks for posting the pic . will say thats a good lookin old horse and probably would make a hell of a work horse but due to its age and power you probably made the right choice
  20. got to go visit dave he has some pieces down there that i want. just he or I don`t know exactly where they are right now
  21. where are the pictures
  22. excellent blender motor
  23. had same problem with a c-15 cat basicily same cure
  24. damn wish i could get the picture like to see what it looks like
  25. carlotpilot


    happy birthday barry and same to everyone else having one today
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