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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by carlotpilot

  1. looks like a 9+
  2. is tom well and still kicking have`nt seen or heard from him in a couple years?
  3. fwiw i saw 5 r model sun visors on c list last night believe it was louisville ky area
  4. update on the triplex how`d it come out? and where are you finding all the h cabs?
  5. now theres a project
  6. cranky old man? possibly` but you don`t get to claim that all by yourself
  7. don`t have either at the moment but there is not a lot of difference among them
  8. almost done finaly
  9. amazing someone remembers ss kresge`s
  10. need to find a dish type cummins flywheel for a 14 in dd clutch
  11. at top of screen directly under T is a button clik on that
  12. fastenal could`nt come up with them??
  13. yes you were i was`nt
  14. cmon paul look again
  15. used to know a guy in the tow-repair bus whose motto was stick`em hard and deep the first time they may not come back most did not` he lasted about 2 yrs.
  16. age old story it now takes all night to do what we used to do all night
  17. ouch retrofit well anyway if and i say if it was put in there with the motor in the truck there has to be a way for it to come back out have you checked the mack museum to see if it was built with power steering?
  18. pretty much all is that a power box??
  19. paul has a good idea to check the box with out the pitman hooked up and see how it acts and get us some pics may not help but can`t hurt either. can``t imagine someone pulling an engine just to put the wrong box back in
  20. do you have any really good pics, of it from different angles
  21. have`nt run in to that mess before but i suppose it could happen , box i assume is inside the frame rail ?
  22. are you saying that in order to change the steering box the motor has to come out ?
  23. had a little run in with white bird my self about the same year you did
  24. i see what you mean that was what i was trying to figure out. unless that truck flipped after the pic was taken he walked away with just his final pay check and a severe ass chewing
  25. we`re not talking about a tractor trailer i`m refering to that turned over haul truck
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