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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by carlotpilot

  1. i understand tractor frames i was wondering why it did`nt turn the power unit over to
  2. sure did`nt know those things were that flexible in the middle
  3. how exactly do you get one to turn over like that?
  4. where is the actual mfg. date stamped on an e7-460? any body know
  5. very interesting set up not much danger of anything coming loose
  6. damn offer something for nothing and still not happy
  7. You get it from your kids
  8. don`t have one to send but a ( black diamond)would fit well on the trailer side
  9. had the same problem with a kt cummins fished a half dozen foils out of marlboro cigarette packs out the fuel tanks ran fine after that
  11. i have access to room and board in key west
  12. agree with to damn cold
  13. wet or dry its still cold +7 here about 80 miles from your place
  14. brrrrrr
  15. me to but i doubt i`d see the next one
  16. od check out the lego liebherr crane inthe following vid
  17. and if you can find the letters d n c anywhere in the article be very leary of it
  18. if you have`nt already checked ( rock&dirt .com) has a huge parts new and used section. also might check carter machinery in salem va. there is lots of timbering in that area. also look this one up w&w truck and tractor parts robert mullinax 800-845-6648
  19. that is some kind of artificial turf must be in a nursury of some kind
  20. i`ve seen worse lookin critters
  21. what if we are the aliens ?
  22. we as a planet are more likely to be hit by an asteroid than visited by aliens
  24. good ole kallifornia does have some buzzards that look like small airplanes
  25. of all my running around the country at all hours of the day and night i have yet to see a ufo or any overgrown birds or mysterious holes in the ground (mels hole). but i have seen a lot of silly sh\t created by people. coast tocoast is still on am radio and still the go to radio sta.to keep ya awake
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