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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by carlotpilot

  1. nuts we did`nt come up with an mh piece after all i forgot about the two extra holes
  2. oppositie ditch ? i`d decline comment to
  3. 325 ft lbs along with blue loctite
  4. i asked because i have seen very similar hoods on dina`s from across the border
  5. sheeesh
  6. did that hood come from somewhere south of the border?
  7. wellll its about time ya showed up welcome aboard
  8. can`t imagine a radiator without a drain somewhere welcome to the site
  9. are you planning a restore or just for parts ?
  10. that old mack probably has never been in better hands
  11. quite a trick getting a 22.5 to hang on
  12. well ollie another nice mess you`ve gotten yourself into
  13. no correction needed
  14. this topic DOES NOT apply to only rail car repair shops
  15. wild guess retarder?
  16. can you imagine doing a restoration on that beast in the background
  17. i should point out that we have not been actively trying to sell this one but it is for sale
  18. out of curiosity what did you have to pay to move it
  19. the drill tap and plug method may turn out to be the best choice no chance of busting the housing and you wind up with variable detent pressure
  20. if the top was NOT lifted straight up or not straight back down just a small tilt in front or back could have caused a slider to move enough to miss
  21. ok your watching good if you do find that one or more is not right the top will still have to come off to fix it. the sliders i`m refering to are free to move once the shift forks are lifted out of their slots is why i say its possible
  22. i`m not real familiar with a 9 ll but a fuller 10 or 13 will miss its mark very easily. the collars on the main shaft will slide enough to cause a fork to miss mack tech has a good idea check his out first if that don`t answer the ques. then i suggest pulling the floor panel out take the top off and make sure whats happening from there
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