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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by carlotpilot

  1. don`t give up there had to be a way to get that ball & spring in the housing to start with and hold it there while the shaft was slid in. a reverse op should get t out just have to figure out how perhaps a very strong magnet and some jiggiling around will pull the pieces back into the hole they belong in far enough to let the shaft out or turn out of the slot worth a try there are some really potent little magnets around
  2. 69 years its been same old same old same old maybe time it comes to a head
  3. most likely this has been said by someone else but it sounds as if when you sat the top back in place one of the shift forks missed the slider that it fits in either in front or back of it
  4. i believe jpaydirt would give you one of these for that vid
  5. sounds like a real energy saver to me
  6. for the mb fans here one that starts runs drives could be put to work if you had a job for it and has a title
  7. i would say if he`s running light or empty and the leak is not near any critical hoses or wires bring it home but don`t stand on it with both feet
  8. he sure has a slew of em
  9. don`t recall right now but i think eb was 35 45 something like that any way i need to get one on the way
  10. thanks for the heads up the shop manual for this thing makes it sound easy. still checking on parts . i will get a puller from somewhere . i want to get a bore scope in there and try to see whats going on before i buy any parts or gaskets. book says head is removable with motor still in the truck and it looks like you should be able to get the pan off
  11. yes paul its a 2.7 i did find a puller on e bay so at least i know now what to look for . not sure yet whether i`m going to tear this motor down and fix it or just try to get rid of it as is its in an 04 dodge sprinter decent shape van with low miles . doing a parts cost search then we`ll decide
  12. make it quite clear to them what you are shipping they will put a driver on it that will do the job right
  13. t s do you happen to have an injector removal tool for a 5 cyl mercedes engine . dumb question i know but i need to know what one looks like ?
  14. get hold of an admiral merchants motor freight agent near where it will ship from admiral merchants can be found online recomended
  15. if you can manage to focus a good telescope on these planes you will find that the majority of them are solid white and have zero markings except a small unreadable number on the nose. they fly some where near 54000 ft. passenger jets hold at around 34-38 sometimes 39000
  16. and thats not beach sand
  17. welll 11 more similar to jan. would be well worth havin even if you did`nt put em in the crapper
  18. they are an east thing that s why the story never got printed
  19. that kind of rules out what i was thinking - i better let some one else chime in
  20. did you check the bad fuel for antifreeze - are you losing coolant ?
  21. the sheetz store is in the wrong time frame
  22. does any one remember OMNI MAGAZINE a science fiction mag. from the 70s 80s and part of the 90s ? was a monthly published by same co as penthouse. i am looking for a certain copy from some where between 1986 and 1991 if any one knows of or has a collection of them i would really like to know about them . am looking for a particular syfy story in one of those mags which did concern a truck
  23. I can imagine that idea lasting maybe 2500 hours guess we will find out eventualy
  24. triple cost of replacement with greater freqency
  25. sounds like there is still lots of air still in the system try bleeding wheel cyls with wheels chocked and eng. running add more b fl.as needed as for the system don`t think i`ve seen such
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