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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by carlotpilot

  1. 99,99,% of under reach tow trucks are useless in 3 feet of mud or snow 50 -100 feet off a solid road
  2. you had to be healthy wealthy and heavy to own and operate that thing idaho tater digger
  3. there is a b model hiding just about 8 miles from me that looks as good as that one its a 73 0r 75 not sure which .belongs to a moving co. saw it for the first time just a couple days ago on the move so could`nt look real close
  4. our 86 mh will be for sale very soon . don`t have a set price in mind a the moment . this is just a heads up
  5. i have one of these saved from my 85 dodge pick up looks identical except smaller was 184.00 then.
  6. original cost of these when they were first marketed was about half of asking price now
  7. thank you and the best your way
  8. probably not all but a lot of those ole broads makin the claims could`nt get laid with a 100 dollar bill in each hand
  9. had my wife check this one out she had to back off 15 feet to see it
  10. here lizard lizard
  11. that has to be a custom job
  12. in all my running around never saw one of those must have been very few built
  13. if he was directing that at the state govt. i say right on LOL
  14. thats about what my first road tractor produced
  15. will say thats quite pile of motor in that truck to be a 4 cyl what is ts rated hp ? gourgeus resto .
  16. glad to hear all worked out ( you might also look for a real truck shop)
  17. the 903s were not given the credit they deserved. for the most part they were poorly maintained cussed at and otherwise mistreated but i know of 4 that went well over a million with very little downtime and only rated at 275 hp
  18. if you are jim howdyshell near mt solon dennis over at macklease h burg can provide the info you need
  19. how did the trip back from tenn. go?
  20. if i were to get tangled up in that nightie i`d make absolutely no attempt to git out
  21. most likely will be slightly faster than the last one happy b day
  22. terry there were 4 black macks that pulled dump trailers hauled salt out of a town just south of rochester ny around the time you are talking about maybe it was one or more of those guys .usually running together and haulin a$$
  23. you can make most anything run a hundred. question is do you have the power to pull it and if so what do you do with it?
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