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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by carlotpilot

  1. its saturday night anybody got 5 dollars?
  2. i might be all wet here but i think i read some where that ms was in the process of dropping the email part of the operation ????
  3. very interesting
  4. pickin that load up with a slurpee straw working 18 hrs a day 7 days a week would take 5+ years suitable punishment +
  5. and made to pick up every bean with a slurpee straw then thrown in jail
  6. would small metal particles picked up in a grease rag and wiped onto the sensor cause it to throw codes?
  7. sharp ford
  8. I would recommend a good single stage paint and forget about the clear coat
  9. thats a big 10-4
  10. I read that article` sad state of affairs fwiw my opinion tell these people that if you don`t like what you see get the hell out go find what suit`s your fancy. people that kowtow to the nimrods are no better than them.
  11. sounds like a plan
  12. american built
  13. I was thinking put in at williamsburg you can run from there to ny 0r miami & lots of stops in between
  14. i`ll have a couple boxed up by the first of the week need your mailing add. again cc
  15. how many ya want?
  16. lots of room to run that just a 100 miles away
  17. that almost sounds like something either binding up or running way out of line in the drive train
  18. jim h in you`re vast library of info what is the time frame for invention and production of the mechanical air compressor and how was it powered
  19. story says they made it back in 5 days . highway construction must have hit an all time record for completion
  20. if you find some keep me posted will keep watching
  21. little different subject the tires and wheels i spoke of are all hub piloted so no help yet cc
  22. do we have a run on green & white acars ?
  23. i`m aware of that what it looks like when finished is another story
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