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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by carlotpilot

  1. any idea what that is for real?
  2. I would lean more to believing this than anything put out by the msm.
  3. ashli babbit 14 yr.veteran
  4. 160 years between believe # 2 kicked off today
  5. fyi, go to citizenfreepress.com read the statement just posted by sen. ted cruz
  6. it ain`t over til the fat lady farts
  7. have you looked for manual shut offs under the hood
  8. no pinion shaft that i`ve ever seen has only three teeth on it . check the number stamped on the yoke end that will tell you exactly what ratio you have .
  9. very merry christmas to everyone
  10. was that in an allwheel drive vehicle or somthing else . beefy box for sure
  11. just had a bowl of neo ic witha banana chopped up in it merry christmas everyone
  12. thats the reason for the bumper
  13. looking for 2 12" wide 22.5 alum (old style) stud piloted rims in good shape
  14. I have always been told 10-15 psi at op temp at idle was ok 45 -50 at hwy spd . I have not owned a 92 but a couple 8-71 s over the years were about the same
  15. where will that trip begin?
  16. when u lose single .there u are.
  17. HANG that air freshener
  18. and if i were in that situation and figured i could make it on to the shop safely thats exactly what i would have done
  19. if it was mine i would take the plug out of the oil pan and start pouring diesel or kerosene over the heads let that run out in a pan , soak it down real good then take my pressure washer to it . let it all run out the botton blow it dry and put oil back in. maybe some purple power in there after the kero.
  20. you made my point
  21. where do you find 3 new tires and rims in the outback and someone to change them?
  22. those pictured on trailer are for tube type tires either with the single or two piece lock rings
  23. some time within the last two years i posted looking for pictures of the interior specificly the dash in a 66-67 coe kenworth . someone from aus or nz answered with pics of a rt hand aussie rig . i have spent hrs searching for that answer but just seems to be gone . im not sure of any specific date when this was . if whoever sent me those pics happens to see this i sure would like for them to resend
  24. does stand out
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