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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by carlotpilot

  1. good ole kalifornia the land of fruits&nuts
  2. for me it was a tricycle b 2 cyl ya cranked it with the flywheel
  3. I will answer this .my guy is not looking anymore he went out and bought a brand new 18 ton air brake tilt 26 ft long and had 2 of his tractors out fitted with air compressors and control valves . i have not seen the trailer yet but he`s happy with it
  4. They will come out. Just takes a bigger hammer.
  5. Adamant Oafish Losers
  6. good choice
  7. thats a fine lookin ride iI hope it runs out as well as it looks . what are you going to be doing with it?
  8. yes to the tornado in ohio had some friends made homeless by it but all survived
  9. that is a rare motor they were the big horses of their day 280 to 335 hp 743 cubic inch ran really good if you knew how to drive them would like to find one in good shape myself
  10. does vinny clark ring a bell
  11. that year the community of fridley mn. was all but wiped out`should be some ref. to it some where in the books. hope the 7 works out ok
  12. no big deal to add what ever trips your trigger to the tail end
  13. kroil---24-36 hour soak
  14. years ago the kohne bros had a traveling grocery store built on a ford very similar to that one same type bed with a homemade roof and rear doors and very near same yr model early 50s is time frame i remember it from
  15. like to have that 7 here for a few days . I sat out a hell of storm there in mn very near your hometown in about 1965 or 6 tornados all over the place most rain I had seen at that time `a lightning show that seemed to go on continously . that thing lasted most of the night . have`nt spent much time in mn since
  16. answer to to your question is that in most all case`s the frame is shortend unless the truck was specificly ordered as a dump chassis
  17. that is what gun control is all about
  18. wow it just gets deeper
  19. ts does that ole gal still exist?
  20. hmmmm the red green show ` does`nt take much to amuse some people
  21. bill I don`t have all the scoop on mecum but i do know that only a small number of their transports are co. owned
  22. I remember some discussion about this gentleman and his web site . wonder if anyone has taken over the up keep of the site
  23. unbolt the top cover `if it has fine mesh teeth on the gears its a 14613 large teeth 12513
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