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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by carlotpilot

  1. bet that load got some puzzled looks
  2. the little peoples union would`nt even talk to me
  3. since we were talking trailers` heres the latest update on one we are doing .complete overhaul 48x102 trail king hydr. tail lowboy. sandblast paint and all new everything else underneath
  4. welcome to the zoo
  5. Try as they might they will have a hard time giving these things away
  6. if you could drive all the back roads and horse trails in s/e tenn. you`d be flabbergasted at what all is there
  7. that one set ya back a buck or two looks fresh out the factory on second thought the factory never put one out looking that good
  8. some would still deny that any one of these has happened.the kool aid has morphed into jellO
  9. wow that is an original any idea how many were built?
  10. I did a round in our 2000 vision this past week to mass. and back . first trip i have ran in this unit in probably 2 yrs, its a 460 e7 also .ran empty up to mass returned grossing just under 74.000 I can say i`ve owned and drove 220 cummins engines that pulled that much weight better than what this one did. it seemed to be having many of the same issues you are having jakes not working right oil pressure fluctuation ` boost pressure up and down ` at one point the boost pressure gauge went off the scale then back to 20p in all it was a miserable trip this critter will be at the mack shop wed morning for a checkout. changed the fuel filters thinking that could be the prob.no change
  11. bob you have stumbled on to an old fernstrom moving co van not sure of the mfg. but fernstrom is the only outfit that used that particular type box that i know of
  12. I know of an 18 ton grove crane that as for as i know is still running around that had a mack e6 transplant back in the early90s along with a mack 9 spd and mack rears. it stared life with a 4- 71 in the carrier after this project was completed it turned out to be the only consistent 65 mph crane anywhere in northern virginia
  13. welcome get some cano kroil its expensive but it works put about a half a cup in each cylinder and wait about 3 days then work it loose
  14. whole barn full of power
  15. glad to hear you`re still kickin keep on keepin on
  16. update some times i can just click back from a post other times i get interference from something called (aniview) which is google oriented . if i go to the home button on this site i have no problem just when i use my back button on my browser. it try`s to load non existant videos i use firefox don`t know if its in the browser or has sneaked in somewhere else. could also be in a microsoft update . my varmit hunter says nothing wrong
  17. but jim she has no umm pockets to fill with sand
  18. all it takes is a computer to screw things up cnc
  19. I would agree with fxyfmn thats beyond any hope of welding
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