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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by carlotpilot

  1. wonder what that street corner looks like tonight right now
  2. gullibles travels
  3. don`t know anything at all about it except I could see its a diesel
  4. search williams blue ox
  5. no connection 540- 460-6251
  6. an aths member in the uk is seeking some one to help straighten out a problem at the port in balt. concerning shipping a truck to him in england if any one can give him a hand check the aths website emergency need help post. sounds legit
  7. Idid`nt have a clue what year it was but i would have guessed the ser # was less than 20
  8. why in hell can`t the industry just for once standup as a whole and tell these unelected assholes to pissoff
  9. wow lookout motor carriers` that will be exploited as a matter of get something for nothing
  10. I think ks ran a piece on this just a few days ago` maybe he has some updated info on what is being planned I have`nt been keeping up as much as i should as of last couple months
  11. you need to start raising hell tomorrow then or no amendments will even be considered
  12. it should be stressed if not already talked about is that compression brakes of any kind are not intended to stop a vehicle
  13. brake light switch?
  14. correct on the jake~ cummins will give as much braking hp as it has pulling hp. only engine that will do that
  15. wow lotta bucks in that basket
  16. spicer 85j16 2 sticker sweet shifter
  17. thats an impressive ride happy turkey day
  18. well happy thanksgiving everyone. not only am i full to the top. i found a title to a vehicle i was sure had been lost
  19. beef its whats for dinner
  20. skank? where in hell have you been
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