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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by carlotpilot

  1. bob did`nt truckers marry all the 38 cent pieces there in nevada?
  2. good ole untidy van lines hope they restore as original old colors
  3. the very latest new jack system debuted right here in the valley to
  4. lot of work but now you know its right
  5. sadly IF is the biggest word in any dictionary
  6. excellent idea on the drom platform did you ever try the kroil on the stuck clutch plate?
  7. if they are not in LABOR they are just fine
  8. plastic diesel powered motor homes with fifthwheels&various loose nuts
  9. soda blasting would be the quickest and would not harm any other metal however it would dull any paint you hit aircraft stripper will work just as good but takes more time
  10. good lookin pair do you still use the b as a worker?
  11. welcome you just would`nt believe how many old cranks are in to old iron
  12. last one out of seattle TURN OFF THE LIGHTS
  13. there is a product called stabil for lawn mowers and weed eaters works pretty good in them should work for a tractor
  14. damn that thing has separate compartments everywhere ideal for stuffin the grand kids in while traveling
  15. lookin good u want to start on another one? I`ll air mail to you
  16. he also dreams in technicolor
  17. hilliary has a novel idea use boxcars
  18. well good to hear hope everything stays intact be safe
  19. guess you guys are still hangin ln there does it look like your imiadiate area will be missed. or is it getting really close
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