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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by carlotpilot

  1. I can picture that with a 60 in. sleeper 24 ft alum bed rollback- alum budd whls- 3rd lift axle a 3406 cat shoe horned in front 13 spdov. fuller with 3.36gears in back painted gold powder black alum all polished- on full air ride -with a rolling conestoga cover hauling a 1934-5 rolls around the country to the shows
  2. i`m going to take the carb off and clean it out & check & reset the float see if that works the thing is not mine so i`m not spending lot of time on it . I do have a 52 8n to redo one of these days it runs & works
  3. mike you need to come east for this one
  4. checked both knippilinn pins that connect to the nernst drive modulator which regulates the gama flow sensor which is run by the fan hub gear all seem to operating properly so it must be the damn carburetor
  5. tried a new condenser today did`nt help a bit so still looking coil is good all electrics check out has to be fuel
  6. that would be excessive wear throughout
  7. to add paul`s post every one new or old that i have driven moved around some. when they track out 3 or4 inches on a straight run then look for a problem
  8. farmer there are some guys on jot close to sacto.
  9. this requires some research not sure any actual changes have been made but i`m sure its being attempted
  10. you made my point ( uneducated decisions) whoever the politician is dem- rep- indep. who promises the most free stuff will surely get the majority vote .maybe stronger more thorough vetting of chosen electors?
  11. eliminate the electoral collage = hand the country to the freeloaders
  12. certainly wish her luck getting through chicago and detroit
  13. remember this folks it`s not who votes or for who it`s who counts the votes think about it
  14. no doubt in my mind but i`ll believe it when ny times makes it front page headline
  15. got into this thing a little more today` it has brand new fuel tank all new lines to the carb coil does not get overly hot but still cuts out and quits after a few mns,working am thinking now bad float as it starts right back up . it also creates a wind storm out of the fuel tank when motor is running never seen this before . could be that aftermarket tank is just flimsy it has also been converted to 12 volt
  16. don`t think this has had time to sink in yet` i`m hearing lots of static in my part of the country although not on on national news
  17. 53 jubilee runs great until it gets up to op temp then starts to choke out and lose power and will then shut down completely. gas problem-electric -coil valve springs ? any ideas anyone
  18. understood
  19. I was trying to stir gearhead up` hoping they are still ok out there. many thanks to oz for sending help no matter how few .i`m not hearing of any of the rest except canada jumping in
  20. where is today`s tinder box report
  21. now that`s a nice old truck` usable not just a barn filler
  22. tim here`s a trailer for you not sure how you get to it but color is right
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