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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by carlotpilot

  1. interesting ride i`ll bet I caught an owl in the windshield on rt 78 in ga one time that was a wild ride to
  2. thats gotta be a bitch to load
  3. buzzard overstayed his welcome or was not invited in first place?
  5. (figure out a way forward as a country) start by eliminating the massive size of goverment and the massive amount of waste generated by it
  6. you`re right 6.5 pitch headed your way very soon may have already found the chains 20 miles from me
  7. need 5 bottom rollers for 555 jd crawler also a pair of 37 link track chains used with 50% or better wear remaining can be off other brand
  8. the article i mentioned from the wsj is by charles murry look it up
  9. an article in yesterdays wall street journal addressed this specific issue nationwide try and find it and read it regulations gone amuck was the title guide lines as to what to do about all the regulotory idiocy being foisted on every one
  10. any one who has a p.w. of any kind make sure you check the oil in the PUMP each time you use it
  11. whats not to like about that looks good
  13. that is one super looking rig i`m only a 120 miles away and still have`nt gotten over there to check it out up close
  14. real cat power
  15. one that caught my eye( corvette) with a wrecker boom on it . must be the ultimate repo rig
  16. has anyone looked at that( piston cooler) spray nozzle
  17. I have turned this thing loose only once` one night in nevada I decided to see where it would go so on one long straight run with a little downgrade to it I ran the 90 mph,speedo.out of numbers and to a straight down position where it stuck` had to replace the speedo head when I got to vegas . from all the answers i have gotten here I think the( doubting thomas) is convinced that it will get into triple digits thanks for all the comments guys.
  18. I have turned this thing loose only once` one night in nevada I decided to see where it would go so on one long straight run with a little downgrade to it I ran the 90 mph,speedo.out of numbers and to a straight down position where it stuck` had to replace the speedo head when I got to vegas . from all the answers i have gotten here I think the( doubting thomas) is convinced that it will get into triple digits thanks for all the comments guys.
  19. bridge repair-maintenence` sea walls` pile driving etc.
  20. as for( butter box) how did they get that handle?
  21. garret freightlines ran a bunch of those
  22. that would have been my choice 8 per side spaced as even as possible
  23. diaper and fan belt on top?
  24. I see everything but the tie down system. all looks good
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