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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by carlotpilot

  1. sad to hear of loss of a friend
  2. well that one pic is as close as you can get to 2 band aids & a cork
  3. guess we can`t trust ford with an antique glad he`s okay
  4. and do that on the hottest day of summer let it set like that for a week or more in the sun
  5. glad to see no damage to you or the truck take care
  6. dot in all states are checking more and more for working elec. brake set ups eastern states more so than others . so try to have power at least going to them. they don``t have a way to effectively check holding power that I know of but if no power at all going to them is a gauranteed ticket and shut down until they do work speaking from experience
  7. bolts waggin the only one that did`nt flip
  8. henry winkler fonzie
  9. james dean?
  10. if i had to take a guess i`d say he means strobe
  11. answer to your question is approx. 400 pounds
  12. (6) 17 inch 5 hole budd wheels` single lock ring type just like the 10.00x20s they are off a bc150 1960 international in very good cond. 7.50x17 sold
  13. may his soul be in heaven 30 minutes before the devil knows he`s dead
  14. liner instalilation press loose the hammer
  15. wish him a happy happy for all of us in va.
  16. what time frame are you hoping for cc
  17. my wife saw the pics of the gang wants to know if extra small is male or female
  18. for what its worth I have seen two different set ups on cruise liners both of the aux shifters stayedin the cab .one used a telescoping locking tube gizmo the other dual cables
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