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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by carlotpilot

  1. welcome dan i`m not real familiar with that type of change over but it sure can be done . if i were doing it i would try my best to get a higher capacity radiator fit in some how. the rest would be just a matter of getting the motor mounts in the right places keep posting progress i`m sure someone else will chime in also who has a lot more experience with mack than i
  2. lol I pulled one those white wagons for over 10 years but that was`nt me thats hard on belly boxes
  3. sprinkle on a hand full of salt and walk away
  4. just a short trip and a little work lol
  5. the mack body shop in harrisonburg va had a nice one used for sale will probably see roy tommorrow will see if he still has it or you could call them ask for roy in body shop540-434-2559
  6. looks pretty good load your drill in that service truck and come on down here got a 45 stepdeck getting a new apitong floor
  7. any one know where on a 460 international gas factory fork lift where the plug -dipstick etc might be for checking the trans -rear end oil I have looked this thing over from top to bottom I don`t find any place to check it
  8. I`d drive it ------------------ and smile from ear to ear
  9. go to sherwin williams check out their industrial enamel they will make any color you want and not charge you both arms and half a leg and it will hold up better than that 200+ a gal .stuff and look as good or better STUCK THIS IN WRONG SLOT OH WELL HE`LL SEE IT
  10. mack and volvo parts through dealers only
  11. thanks i`ll check with them
  12. looking for 10 good used bottom track rollers to fit 555 john deere loader 81 yr mod,
  13. looks like they hit every thing in the county with it` must have had one of my ex drivers
  14. you don`t happen to have one sittin around do you?
  15. thanks for clearing that up i was`nt sure so i put up no arguement
  16. superdog you can likely answer this question a fellow was telling me today in no uncertain terms that all b73 macks came from factory with cummins power what say you?
  17. steering wheels on the wrong side
  18. maint1 dave i believe
  19. think thats a taper fit `soak it down with a good penetrant and then gently bump the wheel all around to help the penetrant get in the grooves you should be able to work it off` may not be easy
  21. methinks theres a little tom-foolery at play here
  22. hope the solution is simple downtime is a bummer
  23. you may also be looking at a blown head gasket
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