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About Junior9009

  • Birthday 11/25/1990


  • Location
    Lansford, PA

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  • Interests
    Truck shows, diesel events, sled pulling, drag racing, diesel engines, trucking.... pretty much anything diesel related!
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  1. Yes I still have them
  2. In search of a white or cream original Mack steering wheel in good shape for my '89 R model. Thanks
  3. Ok thanks Rob. I found some on McMaster-Carr’s website. They also have stainless u bolts. Wonder if it would be okay to use the stainless U-bolts as it would dress the truck up a bit too?
  4. Where can I buy replacement U-bolts for the rear cab support brace on an R model?
  5. The plate that bolts to bottom of cab in the back that holds the cab air bags on seems to be rusted fast to my cab. Has anyone else ran into this when trying to remove it? What did you do to break it free?
  6. Looking to purchase some 70's-80's OD and Am. Trucker mags. Anyone willing to sell please let me know, thanks!
  7. Looking for the proper way to remove the cab air bags from the bottom of the cab. I have them out of the base (held in by round retainer rings) but unsure if they bolt or twist onto a stud on bottom of cab. Also is there a steel spacer that goes between the bags at the top and base? I ask because there was a large piece of rust scale with a hole in the center that came up off the base of the bag and crumbled apart. Any help is appreciated, thank you!
  8. That'd be great! I imagine they are a left and a right? How much Rich?
  9. Happy Thanksgiving! Discovered the right side cab shock bracket that bolts to the inside of the frame rail broke. 4-bolts fasten it to the rail. Anybody have one they’d sell?
  10. Looking for a gray vinyl high back air seat in good shape. I don’t believe their available anymore from Mack. Thanks
  11. I called Rome. They said their no longer available. Is sprague still in business? Maybe I can try them?
  12. They are electric. I found Trico stamped on a pair of arms on a 70’s R700L. Called them they said their no longer available. I’ll have to try what you said above. Thanks, I’ll let you know what I find!
  13. I called them. They only get in the black powdercoated ones. Thank you though.
  14. Yes I still have the air ride set up for the rear of the R model cab.

    1. Junior9009


      Could you send me some pics of it please?

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