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Everything posted by Junior9009

  1. Yes I still have them
  2. In search of a white or cream original Mack steering wheel in good shape for my '89 R model. Thanks
  3. Ok thanks Rob. I found some on McMaster-Carr’s website. They also have stainless u bolts. Wonder if it would be okay to use the stainless U-bolts as it would dress the truck up a bit too?
  4. Where can I buy replacement U-bolts for the rear cab support brace on an R model?
  5. The plate that bolts to bottom of cab in the back that holds the cab air bags on seems to be rusted fast to my cab. Has anyone else ran into this when trying to remove it? What did you do to break it free?
  6. Looking to purchase some 70's-80's OD and Am. Trucker mags. Anyone willing to sell please let me know, thanks!
  7. Looking for the proper way to remove the cab air bags from the bottom of the cab. I have them out of the base (held in by round retainer rings) but unsure if they bolt or twist onto a stud on bottom of cab. Also is there a steel spacer that goes between the bags at the top and base? I ask because there was a large piece of rust scale with a hole in the center that came up off the base of the bag and crumbled apart. Any help is appreciated, thank you!
  8. That'd be great! I imagine they are a left and a right? How much Rich?
  9. Happy Thanksgiving! Discovered the right side cab shock bracket that bolts to the inside of the frame rail broke. 4-bolts fasten it to the rail. Anybody have one they’d sell?
  10. Looking for a gray vinyl high back air seat in good shape. I don’t believe their available anymore from Mack. Thanks
  11. I called Rome. They said their no longer available. Is sprague still in business? Maybe I can try them?
  12. They are electric. I found Trico stamped on a pair of arms on a 70’s R700L. Called them they said their no longer available. I’ll have to try what you said above. Thanks, I’ll let you know what I find!
  13. I called them. They only get in the black powdercoated ones. Thank you though.
  14. Not having any luck locating a pair of new aluminum wiper arms and blades for my truck. I found Trico was a manufacturer but they say they can't find any. I believe I have Robert Bosch arms on mine. The arms are approx 15" and arms are 17". Any help is appreciated.
  15. Ok I appreciate it. Come to think of it he did say they were V8's. Twin stick trans to but not sure what speeds.
  16. Thanks guys. Yeah not sure it's worth that kinda $$.
  17. Bought my first truck in the spring of 2013. It was a toss up between either an R model or a superliner. I personally like the look of the R more than the superliner and was more within my price range. Anyway I was searching online, in magazines etc. for a couple months and came across an R for sale in Covington, Pa on the truck paper website. Emailed the owner and set a date up to go look at it. I asked a friend from work, Jeff ( some may know him from the show undercover boss) and my dad if they'd go along with me to look at this truck. They both agreed so it was off to Covington (about a two hour drive north from my home). This was in March with about an inch or so of snow on the ground (and on the truck as it sat outside) that were crawling around looking over this truck real closely as I didn't know it's history. The gentleman who was selling it owns and operates a scrap recycling outfit just outside of Liberty, Pa (where by the way it was painted its current color of Sherwood green metallic about a year before I purchased it). He purchased it from a guy that had it painted and left it sit then sold it to the recycler from what I can remember. He only hauled one load of scrap with it and determined it was spec'd too light for hauling heavy steel so, it was time to buy another truck and sell the R. After two pages of notes taken by Jeff and a test drive, the three of us went home and I had some thinking to do. After a month went by I called the owner to see if he still had it (thinking he sold it). He said it's still here! So again, the three of us picked a day to go pick it up. She ran flawlessly the whole way home and didn't skip a beat. I think I made an unregretable purchase and still own the truck today. I retired the truck as it is now an antique, only participating in shows, parades and some other small functions. Got my CDL at 18 and bought my first semi at 22 was a great accomplishment for me and something I'll never forget nor regret. Here are the specs..... 1989 R688 ST model tandem axle tractor 340k miles E6 350 9-spd T2090 maxitorque trans 12/38 axles 5.02 rears reyco spring ride rear suspension Truck was originally painted royal blue from the Oakville Canada plant. Was spec'd to pull a tank trailer and left the plant as incomplete (assuming it left without a fifth wheel). Purchased buy Susquehanna Motor Co. and sold to Montour Auto Service Company in Montoursville, Pa. Was also built with budd wheels and currently has 22.5 Alcoas. I don't know anything about this trucking company as nothing turned up with my research. If anyone knows of them or has any pics please share them with me. They are still in service to the best of my knowledge.
  18. Trying to locate pics of the former Atlas Powder Company F-models. I've tried looking for some images on google but was unsuccessful. My grandfather was awarded for driving 1-million safe miles in a mack truck back in 1977. If anyone has any info/pics they'd like to share, please feel free to do so. Thanks
  19. Trying to buy a new (preferably) retro 24" R model thermometer that was made by first gear. I check eBay and the first gear site with no luck. Anybody have one for sale?
  20. Want to dress up the interior of my 89 R model a bit by installing the leather on the door panels. Need to be gray in color. Thanks!
  21. Want to dress up the interior of my 89 R model a bit by installing the leather on the door panels. Need to be gray in color. Thanks!
  22. Are any of the above listed parts for anR model?
  23. Could you message me the pics of the visors or email them to me at greenallgreg@yahoo.com Thanks!
  24. I'm not sure I'd have to measure the opening. Do you have one or the other?
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