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Everything posted by TorresTransport

  1. I picked up a Jensen heavy duty stereo at a truck stop with a universal harness and it popped right in with my truck harness
  2. Shut down override, which hardly ever works and the top right is definitely fog lights and th last one could be spot mirror warmers
  3. OK fellas I've got a little bit of an annoying problem with my 2005 CHN613 the high beam indicator on my dash stays on all the time and only 2 marker lights on the cab turn on, I know there's a short somewhere I just can locate it and I've rewired the headlights and trunsignal/hazards lights, I've double checked the wiring, any suggestions, opinions are very welcomed.
  4. Yeah your right about the design part but I will admit when this E7 is running smoothly the damn thing is a beast!!
  5. Ok so I located the sensor and found 2 things ...1. The pins were heavily corroded and 2. The wires were not completely detached but somewhat detached from the actual pin on the male side, going to take care of this today and hopefully I get a clear dash ...for awhile
  6. Thank you very much wheeler73 I will look into that
  7. So recently ...ok today, I got a 9-5 fault code on my dash (compressor discharge temperature), how can I correct this and should I be worried? ? Mack 2005 CHN613 ASET E-7 427
  8. Check the engine harness, make sure it's not loose. We had a similar problem on a Vision and all it was was a loose harness
  9. So I'm having a difficulty with a code on my 2005 CHN613 ASET 427 E-7 It's a 2-8 combustion air sensor, where is this sensor located and is it associated with any bigger problem??
  10. Thank you very much Truckster for that info, it's greatly appreciated ...it did turn out to be the exhaust temp sensor, replaced it and everything's working ...ok ...some random codes do still blink on and off but nothing too alarming ...I get the 2-8 combustion air/humidity pops up once in a while, thanks again brother
  11. 2005 CHN613 ASET 427 ...what pump are we talking about??
  12. I'm not 100% what VMAC it is and I do not want to guess ...what's the easiest way to find out??
  13. Chicagoland dump trucking stop and go traffic all day everyday CHN613 427 E7 I get around 5.2 to 5.5 with gross of 73,280
  14. No you don't have remove it a 2x4 and 2 spare trailer tires should do the trick ...the 2x4 is so you won't break the grill
  15. Blink codes are 8-3 and 3-1, 8-3 I think is an injector and the 3-1 I'm completely lost with that one
  16. Staxx, thank you very much sir. That was exactly the problem with my truck, hopefully one day I can be of help to you as you were to me on this day
  17. Would the VGT connector malfunction cause the truck to lose power/torque?? I'm going to pick it up today after ...hopefully a full days work ...and yes, the mechanics around here are terrible
  18. Does anybody have the VMAC I fault code list by chance?? ...like next to them ...on a coffee table ...or dining room table? ?
  19. Thank you for the reply, the one issue that I have with trying to figure out the 4-5 fault code is that everyone mechanic especially the mack mechanics give me the old 'that code means nothing don't worry about it ...' line, I'm just dollar bills on legs to them coming back over and over
  20. What's the make of your truck?? I've got a 2005 Mack E7 ASET 427 that's been giving me problems with power loss at the end of the day, starting to think the fuel filter/ fuel pump might be to blame
  21. ok heres the break down ...I've had this 2005 CHN613 with a ASET 427 E7 for the last 5 months now, everythings been going great until recently ...its been experiencing power loss, its not the turbo although i have been getting a 4-5 fault code but the waste gate/ turbo are operating fine, any suggestions on a solutions are very welcomed. I've changed the engine speed sensor, primer pump, turbo oil filter, next I'm going to change the diesel filter ...all these have been suggestions of my house mechanic ...
  22. Well I am having a constant problem ...If someone could tell me the locating of the 'combustion air humidity ' sensor then I could really claim that the truck is running excellently
  23. I've been running a 2005 CHN613 with an E7 ASET 427 got it at 666,725 for a couple of months now and the truck has been an absolute workhorse for me only one issue so far and it wasn't with the engine, I was sold a Meritor Wabco air dryer that was plugged up ...yup completely plugged up no air going in or coming out ...great job on quality control Meritor ...but otherwise the truck has been a beast.
  24. $1100 for a wastegate actuator for a e7 427 chn613??!! Really!! ...I can't believe Mack/Volvo could do this to us ...
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