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Everything posted by mackcat12

  1. Fjh I’m not sure if all that was checked I would hope so, the truck has 82,000 miles on it and it’s 3 years old so I’m good on the warranty plus i bought an extended warranty, the bubbling has been going on for almost 7 months first they told me the expansion tank was cracked and that was what was causing it so it was replaced of course that didn’t fix it then they said egr cooler was causing it so that was replaced and it’s still doing it, so my truck is sitting in the garage at the dealership with the head off of it waiting on Mack to answer the E-service to see what to do next. Tomorrow will be 3 weeks my truck has been there and still not fixed! Do you know who I should contact at Mack about this? Thanks
  2. Hey guys I've got a 2020 Mack Granite with a MP8 455M and Allison Transmission, it started out pushing coolant out the overflow tube and the coolant was bubbling in the tank, took it to dealer they said egr cooler was bad so they changed it got it back and it had low power, higher than normal coolant temps and high EGT when pulling, fuel mileage dropped from 5.5 to 3mpg and the coolant is getting gone and I have had to add coolant several times. took it back to dealer and it had all kinds of leaks at the hot pipe and basically all the gaskets associated with the egr were messed up they had to replace the hot pipe and all new gaskets got it back the leaks were fixed but it still has low power high coolant temps not in the red but around 220 it never ran this hot before and higher than normal EGT'S pulling a hill it hardly ever got over 700 degrees now it's pushing 800 terrible fuel mileage and the coolant is still bubbling and getting gone and I see just a small amount coming out the overflow tube, the truck has no codes faults or lights on. took back to dealer loaded and they rode with me with computer hooked up he says everything checks out normal but he see's the high EGT and coolant temps and can feel the truck lugging so they check turbo and basically everything on the engine and say everything is normal so they want to check dpf for coolant staining they pull dpf and it has coolant staining now they tell me they need to pull the Head to check for blown head gasket or cracked head, they pulled head sent it to be checked and they called me this morning and said head was fine no cracks. This truck is under warranty and I have an extended warranty but I am having to pay for all this work to find a problem that is under warranty because the truck isn't telling them what's wrong with it, if the head would have been cracked I would not have to pay but since they can't find the problem I have a huge bill, so they have put in a E Service with mack to see what to do next. What are they missing? Do any of you guys have any thoughts what could be wrong with this truck? they have had my truck for 2 weeks so I have lost a lot of money in revenue not counting the huge bill I have to pay which I think is not right I should not have to pay because they can't find a problem that's under warranty! If any of you guys have any thoughts on this I would greatly appreciate it.
  3. I figured it out had to reset the air filter indicator
  4. Does anyone know how to clear pop up notices from the instrument cluster in a 2020 Mack granite? I received a notice about the air filter and I changed it but the notice is still there.
  5. I had a new one pop up today MID 144 PSID 230 FMI 9 count 32 anybody know what this one is?
  6. The guy that came from Mack said that the Mack marketing team was behind updating all the publications online, he said that they were selling more maxicruise engines than anything else and that’s why they were going to only offer that one, he also said they could program the engine to perform like a Maxidyne so who knows
  7. Has anyone heard that Mack is doing away with the Maxidyne engine’s and having only one engine? A friend of mine ordered a new granite dump truck with a MP8 455M engine and it came in with a MP8 415C and the salesman said that you couldn’t get a Maxidyne engine anymore, this engine doesn’t have the low end torque that mine has, mine is the MP8 455M I can run off and leave him on hills,he has complained to Mack and they sent a guy to program the engine to 455hp but it still doesn’t compare to mine and he told him the same thing that Mack was going to offer only one engine and it would be the maxicruise engine. Has anyone else heard anything about this? Mack is famous for the Maxidyne engines for construction trucks I hope this isn’t true.
  8. Thank you!
  9. It’s called the max brake,when descending a hill mash this button and it will engage the engine brake and gear down the transmission at the same time to slow you down in a hurry.
  10. Hey guys, anybody know the secret to getting the panel off on the passenger side to get to the cabin air filter on a 2020 Mack granite? I took out the 4 screws but it seems like there are 2 more behind the center console, do you have to take out the console to remove this panel?
  11. Not really,my dealer said not to worry about it that it was inactive and that all trucks will have random faults that don’t mean anything
  12. Can anyone tell me what the Mack chassis plan 2 warranty covers? I can’t find anything that tells me what it covers.
  13. They are spare switches that are switched with the key ignition in case you want to add something powered
  14. Have your dealer check the fill tube for the Allison transmission, mine was hitting the cab and rattling like hell bout drove me crazy till they found it, they first told me that it was normal and that all Allison’s rattled like that so I had them ride with me and they said that’s not normal so they started checking and found the fill tube was right against the cab, they had to take the mounting bracket off and bend it to get clearance from the cab.
  15. I had a 2018 with the MP7 425HP and 12 speed MDrive with 3.79 ratio and it sucked off road, you might be ok with the 14 speed creeper gears. I traded mine for a 2020 granite quad axle with MP8 455HP and Allison transmission with 4.19 ratio and this thing is a beast it does awesome off road and pulls like a freight train.
  16. Does anyone know what this fault is? MID 144 PSID 247 FMI 14 on 2020 Mack granite with MP8 engine, my engine brake doesn’t seem to be working like it should was wondering if this is associated with that fault. Thanks
  17. I have a 2020 Mack Granite Quad axle dump truck with the MP8 455hp and 4500 RDS Allison trans and 4.19 rear axle ratio And this thing is a beast it’s just as fast loaded as it is empty, off road it’s awesome, it does like the fuel I’m averaging 5.7 mpg it seems to get better when I run on interstate. I think you would love the Allison, my 2018 Mack had the MDrive trans and it was ok on the highway but sucked off road.
  18. Anybody?
  19. Anybody know what this fault is? I’ve noticed my engine brake is not working like it should is there any connection? Thanks
  20. That’s great glad they figured it out, I would hate to know how much Mack spent on my truck and never found a solution
  21. Fjh I feel for you, if the data capture doesn’t show anything Mack doesn’t know what to do and won’t use any common sense to try to figure it out, hope you can figure it out .
  22. I finally received my truck and I really love the MP8 and Allison combo this thing is a powerhouse, but this one has some bugs in it too, second day driving the hose coming off the expansion tank blew off leaving me stranded on the side of the road, the cheap clamps they used won’t hold the hose inside the nipple so they changed it so the hose slid over the nipple and put on a metal clamp.problem solved! Then a few days after that I noticed a puddle of antifreeze under the truck looked everywhere couldn’t find a leak anywhere, drove it all week and it didn’t leak anymore, came to work on Monday coolant was dripping really fast so I looked over the engine on the turbo side and I saw where it was coming from, the oil cooler🤦🏻 So you all know what’s involved in fixing that so after 4 days at the dealer I finally got it back yesterday morning and drove it all day, so far so good🤞🏻 I really do love this truck I guess it takes a while to get the bugs out of them but there shouldn’t be any for what I paid for this truck dealer said gasket was messed up from factory so hopefully everything else will be good, I’ll keep you guys updated.
  23. fjh I have not received my truck yet the build date got delayed by the Mack strike then by thanksgiving,it finally got built and Was sent to Ox bodies on December 20, I talked to ox bodies yesterday and they started the dump body yesterday supposed to be delivered to my dealer on January 27 so as soon as I get it and put some miles on it I will give you an update.
  24. Well this is just what I need my truck is scheduled to be built on November 6 guess that won’t happen now🤬🤬
  25. Thanks fjh I appreciate that
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