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  1. I have a 2007 Mack granite with a E7 460. I pull 90000# on a regular basis and I having trouble keeping the engine cool on days hotter than 85 degrees. Does anyone know if there is a bigger radiator I could put in? I currently have the biggest one Mack offers.
  2. I agree the weld is part of the problem. But if you have long wheel base trucks you could be bottoming out on humps and dips. That pushes the axle past its capacity. I have had this trouble more on the way front pusher and the tag behind the drives. I have actually gone back to 20000# nonsteers behind the drives.
  3. After treatment injector
  4. Should be done after your first run up to temp. Engine should be cool
  5. Injection pump rpm sensor. No signal or if it doesn't log a fault it's engine speed over customer limit.
  6. I switched eup 5 and 3 around and the error code stayed with 5. If low fuel pressure could be a problem what should it be ?
  7. Do you know if 2 and 5 share a driver? If I change eups around for trouble shooting.do I need to change the cal codes
  8. Wiring has been checked. No striped insulation. But if ther is a bad spot inside I could not find it. Is there a way to check the solenoid or wiring with a voltage tester. Is there a set amount of volts amps or resistance. The injectors are 10 months old and have about 50000 miles. I changed them when I changed 2 and 5 eup last October.
  9. I have a 2003 460 that keeps taking out 5 and 2 eup about every 6 months it will throw the code when it is cold but when it goes over 190 degrees it will quit but will come back when it cools down
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