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Everything posted by bts-4120

  1. swap your pump and turbo to the elec. engine, everything else should drop in to place, know I guy that did this swap 94 vmack into a 90 ch alot simpler that what you would think
  2. blixxton was made for the 98 and older e7's with the inline bosch pump 550 is possible there are marine versions rated at 750 the 460xt's was 490or so right from the factory but that program is no longer available if you dead set on making that much power from a 728ci motor you will need the turbo upgrade stage 3 injectors and engine profile tweeked if I was going to do anything to my 427 I would go with stage 2 and a hotter program that should put it in the 500-510 range but you never really know what you got till you put it on a dyno my truck pulls as stronger than the n-14 it replaced so I doubt if I would need the extra ponies
  3. http://www.rochesterfuel.com/products/dies...rs-c-48_65.html there is you a link for injectors they also have turbos I would start at mack to see what a uprate to 460p (487hp) would take if your geared to tall the truck will feel like a slug i run a 427 with 13-spd fuller 3.70's on short rubber, and do not have a hp problem
  4. I thought all the older 5-spds was direct in high gear t-2050 has a .60 overdrive
  5. I was going to guess a early 90's with manual e7 400
  6. actually the big cats are set up to cruise at 1350rpm's my e7 runs 70 at 1500 55 at a little above 1200 truck get the same or a little better running 70 than 55 I run 3.70 on short 22.5's with a 13'spd I would not want any taller geared truck than that
  7. trans. model or Rear Ratio, you can add a brownie box if this is a older truck say older than a 1988 pretty good chance its a direct drive, and the best and cheap option is to trade for a 6-spd , although t-2060's are getting cheaper
  8. yes 3.75 gal if you have a trans cooler it will hold at least 4 gal
  9. shop manual says 30 pints
  10. my 2001 with a 427 and 13spd fuller has been very dependable leaps and bounds better than the N-14 it replaced and way more motor than any Series 60 Detroit
  11. sounds like the RWA systems that been on combines for decades 2-speed mud hog on the front of a granite
  12. Have they put it on the computer yet to check engine profile, have they discussed the possiblity of uprating it to a 460P (487hp) lip mode it would show codes checking the grounds would be a good idea
  13. thats what I was thinking why couldn't he upgrade to a 18k spring pack on a 12k axle I know of a lot of R's like that being used as log trucks
  14. How did Mack mange to run the 2007 granites without egr and god awful fancy turbo that the ch's and cx's are blessed with?
  15. Some of the later model 9spds are able to be converted into a 13-spd, but I have not heard of doing that to a 8ll, with the splitter top gears are roughly 17% splits on the 8LL or 9 its a 33% split, plus the 13 has a double over Some of the Mack 13's have just as good or better low hole than you 8ll plus you can still split the top side, I run a fuller 13 good trans. leaps and bounds better than any 9 or 10spd(fuller)
  16. Are you serious a E7 a ticking time bomb? there are marine versions set at 900hp so 500hp on road is not too much to ask I have seen some E6 300 & 350 have serious engine failure do to too much fuel and what not but I even ran a manual E7 350 pretty hot with no problems I have 3 cat motors 2 3406E's 435 and a 3406B 425 (fuel turned up) my 427 out pulls the 435's and about the same as the 425 and about a mile to the gallon better on fuel you can inframe them for around 3k 15k gets you a factory reman with warrnty I know which one grosses more payload on less fuel and stays out of the shop and its not yellow
  17. My 427 hits 30lbs stock its a 2001 model the air to air first the check the boots and clamps (simple stuff) the air to air can be pressure tested I had my done when I put on a new radiator, also it can be pressure tested on the truck, if you have the correct guages and plugs
  18. Also you can install an exhaust brake just behind the turbo, it does the same thing as a jake but you do not have to open up the motor to install it, cost a little less if you price a brand new jake
  19. yeah being able to split the top side is priceless to me I run a fuller 13 in my vision, I think you will be doing alot a extra work to put the Mack 13spd when you could just straight swap to a fuller 18spd low hole would be the same as your 8ll, and u could spit every gear, fuller 13 has a 12.43 lo hole, plenty good enough for what I do but putting in the Mack trans, would make the truck all mack
  20. Won't he have to swap bellhousings make a fuller trans. fit also you will change the gearing slightly usually loose top speed and some reduction
  21. there is a combination I would like to have Duetz Air Cooled inline six or v8 in a on road application
  22. the 1.2 does not make any sense to me if it has no codes it will show no faults on the display there are more to a code that 1.2 a letter couple of number a dash and a few more numbers, owners manual shows you how to read codes out on the dash display my truck is a 2001 and I do not have that sensor but heat damaged wires is not good
  23. you can see any active or stored code with out the scanner turn the key on hold the mode and reset button in at the same time for a few seconds and release any codes will show up on the display, but what you have to me sounds more like a loose or corroded ground, loose connection, or corrosion on a fuse I would start at the batter box, fuse box and ground breaker on the fire wall and connection to the ecu and ecm and also there are cab and motor grounds to frame
  24. those chips are all for the inline Bosch pump not the unit pumps that a Etech has he's just about played all of this cards other than a propane kit, high flow injectors turbo and tweak the engine profile injectors give the biggest gains for this motor,
  25. you can run b99 with no problems if you use some common sense I keep the ratio to about a b75 in the 427 to minimize hp loss as it gets colder its needs to be upped to a 50 50 mix once air temps get below 35 all my other engines cat, cummins also run fine on it no hp loss no gelling no filter issues
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