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Everything posted by bts-4120

  1. be intresting to know what injectors they used for sure
  2. did you get the 460 xt file also?
  3. rawhide added 16k to list price when new for about 5k worth of chrome and leather you could make your self one alot cheaper than the factory could oil economy is tanking in PA be alot of excess equipment over there is winter if crude stays $40
  4. only thing Vw getts those kinda mpg in a much larger car than Chevy has been able to. hybrids are about a big of joke as us running our pickups on lp back in the 70 s
  5. they cannot sale you a 2.0 tdi right now glad I got a 2015 back early in the year
  6. I'm not sure you will get those injectors to work in your 01 why not get some stage 2 injectors from rodchester fuel or atrium?
  7. bet he's got a 505e
  8. if you put injectors you'll do the overhead at the same time see how the valve covers be off anyway
  9. ever thought about jacking it up and setting it on tall blocks so you could run threw the gears a tooth off a rear end will vibrate into the cab and sound like a trans
  10. Agree I had a 90 or 91 Ch glider sleeper truck that was shoved in a barn and not built till 2000 had a manual e7 350 and a brand new t-2090 on older camleback rears I should have kept it ran like a switch watched ran every day it was needed
  11. some 01 s are pre ccrs at lest mine is
  12. you may find the only way to get the xt file is find a truck with it and let a dealer burn a copy of it and install into yours. there are non Mack dealership options also. 427 file with your mods may also work
  13. spoke with some mexicans that put a 237 in a 2670 case, talk about a ton of work to but a great motor into a total pos not a ag tractor but a jd 1050 dozer has a e7
  14. as cheap as they are now I would find a big cam 3 to put in it or a L 10 cummins swapped several in versatiles before not a fan of a 3306 in a tractor application its a constant load and will only live if you keep it 250 or less turn the screws and it wont make 400hours been there done that when they was brand new
  15. sounds like some one had liner or head gasket issues before
  16. there was a hotter 427 file for mountainous areas thats what my mack dealer told me. the books only show one 427 rating though mine also is a 01 pre ccs
  17. from what I have seen the gold dogs disapered in the late 70's and have re appeared in about 2004 with all mack drive line's there will always be cases where the owner put one on his self
  18. i was thinking the mack gliders are a export only item and have not titles
  19. mack has a great warranty package on their reman motor's it not cheap though. you could go 460 but highly doubt a 454. I would rather use a 427 with hotter injectors
  20. I thought st.louis had a decent shop. it not that far to cape
  21. I believe you plug the dpf in a hurry if you idle it up for extended time
  22. there is a many waste management roll off on 315 floats all they way around so yeah yes you can
  23. I've had good luck with baldwins 40yr ago my uncle lost a new 3208 due to a baldiwn busting and they put a new motor in for him. that said in some of my new off road applications and new cummins motors baldwin does not make the filter. For those I use Wix
  24. decent luck with double coins on my lowboys had a set fail with 80% tread and aired up tight one time virgin china tire beats a cap any day to me. to bad the US manufactures has shut down their short lines Dunlops and Daytons was the best tire for the money hands down. also if you can find them a Wanli is a china carbon copy of a firestone I've used them quite a bit
  25. that tall of gearing you probley run out of motor before you do rpm's in the high hole and you will run out of clutch and drive shafts trying to get a load moving out of a field road
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