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Everything posted by bts-4120

  1. 9.0 is quite a sweet spot what is that empty and all down hill?
  2. that much stop and go 5.5 doesn't sound too bad you ever figure how many gallons per hour your burning?
  3. jake on the e7 will never be what a jake on a n-14 is due to cubic inches. mine helps some but at a 95k gross you will be using your truck and trailer brakes getting down a mountain no doubt about it
  4. if it had 58k rears it would say dm688sx as the model?
  5. direct replacement with out fabing and driveline work would be a t313lr or 18lr
  6. bet it left the factory as a maxidinye but as old as it is who knows if the motor's been swapped should be a tag either on the valve cover or behind the fuel pump
  7. 460's and 10 speeds don't perform well together either. 460xt file would be the hotter of the factory files if you could get it. injectors turbo and a 427 file may be the best you would be able to come up with. bet the cat was pulling alot more than 350 hp
  8. this supose to be a hotter file than past?
  9. Seen where Mack came out with a new rating 505 +c 1850lbs of torque http://www.macktrucks.com/community/mack-news/2014/mack-adds-mack-mp8-505c-to-engine-lineup/
  10. with this remack warrnty Mack is really missing the boat. if you can rebuild an older truck and Mack it has about the same warrnty as a brand new truck why not sell a glider.
  11. on a 15 isn't that a regular gear you use there a 10 speed with a deep reduction box the one I had used the U shift patern
  12. fan should kick on at 200. have you washed or blown out the radiaor and coil lately?
  13. as much nat. gas this country has its only logical to pipeline it to a power plant. it will take decades to convert vehicles and machinery on a large enough scale to burn it. I know union pacific is already playing with the stuff.
  14. ones i have seen spec sheets on are geared pretty low 5.73 with 8ll but the lightest rears are usually 58ks I figured coal company was getting a sweet short term lease on them
  15. twin sister to mine sure its not a lcl truck they ran them till upper 400k and trade
  16. don't know about better but its the updated one no more round ones, no issues with leaks on mine pulls good, decent fuel mileage. 98 is the first e tech I believe
  17. I've had real good luck with my 01 427. I had to replace the radiator the rest has been really minor things. good chance the truck would perform better had they left it at 427. change over oil color is a square alum plates stacked up instead of the round cooler mack has used for years.
  18. if its a lr it will have a lo hole and reverse as slow as a 8ll
  19. then how are they getting buy building glider kit? which is some thing mack should come out with too
  20. 300 maxidyne or 350 will be a big improvement over a 903 with no turbo 903 with turbo would be a different animal
  21. you could get manual or electronic up till 97 or 98 Mack gave the manual option for a couple more years longer than cat or cummins
  22. 98 would be the first year i think, it will be computer controlled 400 was max manual hp
  23. run the vin 4.64 on tall 24.5 was fairly common 4.78's not so much that I have seen or heard of them. if your wanting to run 68-70 1600-1700 4.42 or 4.17 with a fuller trans.
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