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Everything posted by bts-4120

  1. good chance it didn't leave the factory like that etech is supose to get better milage than the old bosch pump, but I really can't say it does 427 avg 6.8 to 7.2, but I have had manual e7's do the same numbers
  2. a rd 690 would have a 300 maxidyne and 5,6,7 or 8 speed trans. a 688 would be 350 or 400 ect. with a fuller or mack trans. 9, 10, 13 speeds 8ll ect.
  3. E-7 is basically a stroked E6 with wet style liners. that should tell you they didn't have the sales volume or cash to start casting a bigger inline 6 block back in the late 80's . I agree with above poster LTL Ford had on heck of a frame but i dare say sorriest cab and ride, we maybe freight shaker had as worse cab but not by much
  4. double coin carbon copied a michlen tires, for years same tire for a fraction of cost use to buy Datyons, exact same thing as a firestone and made in a america how ever the domestic tire companies have shut down alot of there short lines, Kelly springfields, dayton, dunlop, remminton are either completely out or very hard to get, I blame the tire companies for getting a little greedy
  5. I seen pics of your wrecked rawhide here while back totaled but fixable you keeping it?
  6. I don't think the od in the m drive is as tall as a fuller and deff. not as tall as a Mack one reason why you see alot of them with 3 21 gears
  7. don't think so e7 wet style liner e6 dry style e7 longer stroke and a diffrent block
  8. it has a .60 OD which is alot faster than a fuller for even a mack 9 or 13 with 5.02 at 2100 truck should run close to 70 not sure how much speed you wanting out of a DM Mack I have heard of guys putting a OD brownie box behind the old direct drive 2 sticks that could be a option
  9. First showed up in 1988, pretty much a E6 with a half inch more stroke with a wet style liner, diffrent heads cam injectors, turbo of course but a in house Mack motor as far as I know, Renualt needed it bad to put in there cab overs
  10. yeah 460P program 480hp
  11. you could but a blixton box on it, bigger injectors and possibley a diffrent turbo but I would run it a while to see what I had
  12. if your going to stay with fuller you actually want a 9LL RTO-16909ALL lo lo hole of 26.1 to 1 and reverse of 20.85 to 1 and is a .73 OD box that's pretty close to the low hole and reverse of your 2 stick.
  13. could be a bad gauge, but if its over heating plugged radiator loose belts thermostate sticking bad water pump or radiator, it could be several things
  14. did they run the overhead when they put the injectors in?
  15. It's a Paystar with CAT on the hood, which is a tough truck, the real deal is the CAT Transmission not the motor
  16. their newest star car had a DD16 560hp in it looks like they have had their fill of CAT ACCERTS
  17. looks like a power shift transmission out of a farm tractor to me
  18. looks like a power shift transmission out of a farm tractor to me
  19. older manual motors will burn it with no with no problems, the electronic ones will run on b99 but will not make any horsepower, you need at least 25% mixture, to get your horsepower back, a 50 50 mix gives the best mileage and power it burns cleaner, so I am wondering how it would plug up the emission equipment on a newer truck
  20. yes but since being merged with New Holland which ia owned by Fiat, they are dropping Cummins for Iveco motors, which Fiat owns
  21. Blixxton has a new box out for late model Macks
  22. I've seen 84 R's with 2valve motors and 85 and up was 4 valve
  23. Urea is fertilizer 44% Nitrogen we have had tractors with SCR for 2 years now no problems with the system, and its quite a bit easier on fuel than the exact same motor with a EGR DEF is easily found, all else fails go to AGCO, MF, or Case IH the 2011 Powerstroke and DMax use the stuff too, so its going to as common as windshield washing fluid here pretty soon only down side I see is higher fertilizer prices coming down the pipe
  24. http://www.truckinginfo.com/news/news-detail.asp?news_id=70037 these guys say C-15 AND C-13 ACCERTS till the new Ausy. emmision kick in next year then Maxxforce only I guess a CAT truck with a Cummins would just be to big of a insult
  25. wonder if they ever thought of checking the air filter, lots of dust in the woods and some new fuel filters, around houston your probley getting more bio blended in with your fuel than you think, rather than replacing ecm's I would have put some oversize injectors in it and max the settings out
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