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    Soy gandolero de toda la vida me gusta mi trabajo y los camiones mack

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  1. My E7 engine es downgraded to mechanical, gauge is electronic but don't have ECU so I want to change for a mechanical gauge to see my rpm but I need this cover!
  2. Yeah is a mack engine E6 new model or E7 mechanical, here in venezuela for problems with the government we don't have easy access to buy in EEUU! And this use a cable just like that use in transmission for speedometer and yeap is a referential pic
  3. Saludos amigos !!! I'm searching this part it is a timing cover with counter rpm mechanical!!! If anyone can have one to sell probably would be hard send it to vzla but I think with DHL I can receive here I'll pay everything of carrier (sorry for my english )
  4. Saludos amigos !!! I'm searching this part it is a timing cover with counter rpm mechanical!!! If anyone can have one to sell probably would be hard send it to vzla but I think with DHL I can receive here I'll pay everything of carrier (sorry for my english )
  5. Pick up tube clogged or filters clogged?
  6. You use fan clutch with what temp thermostat? I have 160 degrees F, I want put it work over again but I think that thermostat 160 don't work well, ( sorry for my english )
  7. I have E7 mechanical engine and always have the fan clutch fixed, don't know how say !!! Always on, always active !!! I like to know how much save in diesel of I put fan clutch original?
  8. I had same problem !! And the thermostat have a hole position up or front it, and had air in coolant system, I pull off top screw of water pump to purge air I also clean oil cooler
  9. don't worry about, my english either!!! Anything just ask We are here to help each other
  10. Hello joey !!! 😅 Thanks 👍 ohhhhhh q bien sabes español !!!
  11. Por aquí un nuevo miembro de esta prestigiosa página!!! Saludos Have Mack trucks since 20 years ago !!! I have every kind of models but current I have two !!! A 1988 R688 and one 1984 r686 I drive one!!! Have 20 years of experience driven the best trucks !!!
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