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steve s.

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Everything posted by steve s.

  1. You did a great job, looks very sharp. Did you have any issues mating the Cummins to the transmission? Is it a Mack built transmission? What did you use for a clutch? Thanks, Steve
  2. The green and black truck in the picture belongs fo a friend of mine. It is an LJ. He has had it for many years. The hard nose radiator may not be original, but it was on there when he got it. The truck has an early Cummins with a quadruplex. It was built as a single axle with a big 29,000 lb rear. Later the frame was stretched and a dead axle was added. Currently the truck has a newer set of Mack rears on a camleback suspension. The LJ doesn't get driven too much, another friend usually tows it to shows. The H model was made using the L sleeper cab. They are basically the same, but the windshield height is different.
  3. Here is the picture of Dave's B model at the Northeastern PA Chapter ATCA Endless Mountains Antique Truck Show, Harford PA Fairgrounds.
  4. I have a Mack H61T Parts List, #2185, Dated May, 1953. It lists engine parts for the END673, and the Cummins NHB 600, 743 cid, 200 HP.
  5. There will be a two part story on the Australian Mack R800RSX trucks beginning in the January /February issue of Double Clutch magazine. Part two will cover the restoration of Tony Champion's "Iron Horse" seen above. Steve
  6. Victor, Your question is not clear. Something was lost in the translation. Try again.
  7. The sleeper in My H63 is 24" wide. There were non sleeper H models, I have seen them in H-69 and H-81. There probably were others as well.
  8. The bushings are available new from PAI. They are the same as the originals.
  9. You might try contacting John Chalmers in Cashtown PA. I purchased tie rod rebuild kits from him a couple years ago. I think he has been downsizing, but he may be able to help. His number is 717-334-8709. Good luck.
  10. The Australian Mack MIR did use the Brockway Huskiteer cab. If you check your Double Clutch magazine, you will see mention of it in a recent article on Mack Cabovers Downunder, by Gary Richards. There will be a follow up story coming up soon on the MIR. This is the only known use of a Brockway cab on a Mack chassis.
  11. Sunday September 2rd is the date for the 28th annual Endless Mountains Antique Truck Show and Flea Market sponsored by the Northeastern PA Chapter of the Antique Truck Club of America. The Harford Fairgrounds is the location, about halfway between Scranton PA and Binghamton NY. Easy to get to: exit 217 off I-81, follow the signs. All old trucks are welcome, any size, any condition. No registration fee, only $2.00 to enter as a spectator. Kids under 12 enter free. Breakfast , lunch, and ice cream available . Affordable fun for the whole family! Several awards offered, including Best Mack, and Working Class Truck. We always have a lot of Macks on display !
  12. Parts are out there, but you will have to figure out what will work on your truck. You are not likely to find anything being sold as a part "for H model Mack" .The H model cab is based on the L model sleeper cab. Some L model parts will fit , including the doors. The drivetrain shares many of its parts with B and other models. The engine and transmission are basically the same as a B model for instance, but the mounts, fan, radiator, shifters and other pieces are different for the H. If your cab and frame are good and you want to put the truck back together, your best bet might be to find another H model for parts. Most H model parts are interchangeable between the 63 and 67. Good luck, and keep us posted.
  13. I agree you have a very cool truck there. Not a common model at all. Before trying the drill and tap method, I would attempt to rotate the shaft back out of the notch. Pulling it straight out won't work because the ball is probably entirely in the notch. But the rotating shaft might just allow the ball to be pushed back into its hole. Worth a try anyway. Drilling and tapping is a good last resort for sure. That top cover is not that rare of a part that you can't find another one. You might not find an aluminum cover, but there are still triplexes around. Good luck.
  14. Welcome, Jim. I spent last winter doing a tandem to single axle conversion of my B61. The job itself is pretty straight forward . Assuming that the tandem you are talking about is a camelback suspension with top load rears, You probably won't be able to reuse them as a single axle. You will need to find a single axle rear, springs and spring hangers. Then you just basically drill for the hangers, mount the rear, make a new driveshaft, and re plumb the brakes. There are some options to consider, like what gear ratio would suit you best, or do you want to install a modern rear and air ride. Also keep in mind that your DOT may complicate matters if you try to reduce the truck's GVW. You don't have to change the GVW, and maybe it doesn't matter if you tag the truck as an antique. Just another consideration. There are plenty of single axle trucks around.
  15. Saw this on Craigslist. Williamsport PA . Looks like it has a lot of potential. https://williamsport.craigslist.org/cto/d/1961-b46-mack/6376171382.html
  16. Thought you all might like to know that Greg took the Working Class Truck award at the Endless Mountains Antique Truck Show this weekend. The 1985 MH 613 looks great. Hard to believe that it's 32 years old.
  17. Very nice truck. Glad to know it has a good home. There was an article in Double Clutch magazine about the Kreitz company a few years ago. I believe there may have been pictures of your truck in that story.
  18. Sunday September 3rd is the date for the 27th annual Endless Mountains Antique Truck Show and Flea Market sponsored by the Northeastern PA Chapter of the Antique Truck Club of America. The Harford Fairgrounds is the location, about halfway between Scranton Pa and Binghamton NY. Easy to get to: exit 217 off I-81, follow the signs. All old trucks are welcome, any size, any condition. No registration fee, only $2.00 to enter as a spectator. Kids under 12 enter free. Breakfast , lunch, and ice cream available . Affordable fun for the whole family! We always have a lot of Macks!
  19. The picture of the "transfer case" does not help me to identify it. A transfer case is used with four wheel drive, which this truck is not. I suspect the transfer case may have been used as a multi speed PTO. Was either of these transmissions used to power the winch? Was there more than one winch, or more than one PTO? Interesting. How is the second transmission driven by the main transmission? A shaft?
  20. The " second strange transmission behind the cab" sounds interesting. Some pictures would be very helpful to know what it might be. It is probably not Mack built, but may be worth saving. At least see if there is an ID tag on it.
  21. Please let us know how you make out with the cab pivot bushings. I could use a set myself. As a last resort, I thought I could make some if I ever get around to it. We use different types of urethane to make molds at work. The rear cab insulators re available from PAI, they are the same ones used on the transmission. Good luck with your project.
  22. In the early days of diesel engines there were many different combustion chamber designs, some good, some not so good. Many engine builders tried many different approaches. Mack did well with the Lanova energy cell, but big improvements were to come. Through a technology sharing agreement with Scania of Sweden, Mack developed the Thermodyne engine which was far more efficient than the Lanova. Mack exchanged bus building information for Scania's combustion chamber knowledge, and the rest is history.
  23. Saw this posted on the ATCA website : http://www.antiquetruckclub.org/forum/?p=post%2F1941-mack-eht-8461138 There must be someone willing to save these old timers.
  24. The truck has always been a tractor, pulling a lowboy for an excavator. Maybe blower isn't the right thing to call them, they do seem to be there to pull from the hoses, rather than blow into them.
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