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steve s.

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Everything posted by steve s.

  1. Your frame looks great. Is there a reason why there are two cross members so close together at the end of the frame ? Steve.
  2. 6368, The only way I know about the bogie is from the build sheet that I got for my truck from the Mack Museum . If you haven't contacted them yet , it's a really great bunch of info they can provide, and I'd reccomend you send them a donation and see what info they have on your truck. Steve.
  3. 6368, I'm pretty new to this stuff, but I'll offer my two cents because your rears are similar to the ones in my B 613SX. The 11kha.... is the differential part number. CRDP 112 is the front axle carrier model #, CRD 113 is the rear axle carrier model. There is more you need to know to tell the capacity of the setup. Just for comparison, my truck uses a SWD 68 bogie (there are many different bogies ) and 5 inch wide springs in a stack of 13 leaves. This setup is rated at 50,000 lbs. Steve .
  4. Thad, I had similar trouble trying to start my B after it sat many years, but my rack was ok. I had many, many air leaks. The fuel filter canister had to be welded 6 different times before I got all the pinholes. The priming pump bore was pitted and allowed air to be sucked in. The emergency fuel shutoff valve leaked. And most of the hoses leaked too. It was only patience and perseverence that let me find all those pesky leaks and fix one just to find another. But I did get a good education and I did not have to pull the pump, So I wish you luck. Steve
  5. Thanks everyone. the problem is not the starter, it tried like heck to turn the engine , and yes I have already gone through the series/paralell switch and battery cables to get it running initially. My batteries are good and the 24 volt starter really gave it a good spin. Yes the bar is small that I'm using to turn that 1/4 turn but I'm quite sure that I'm up against more than compression. I did not even think about it being locked up with anti freeze, or to take out the injectors. That is just the kind of lead I was hoping someone would offer. I will get to work on it as soon as I can and let you know what I find. Thanks again, Steve
  6. Hello, I have been learning a lot following the discussions here, and now I have a problem I hope someone can help me with. I have a 1961 B 613SX that I bought over the winter. The truck had not run in many years but after a lot of tinkering, I finally got it to run and backed it into a corner of the garage where it sat out the winter. It seemed to run pretty good and I had no doubts about the engine being okay. One evening last week I decided to start the truck. I used a little ether and it fired up quickly and stalled, as I had forgotten to push in the fuel stop. It did run long enough that the oil pressure guage was moving up past 20 psi or so. After another small shot of ether it fired right up again, ran smooth for maybe a minute or less, and stalled. when I tried the starter again, the engine would not turn. I left it alone until the following night hoping it was locked up on ether or the starter drive was stuck or something else simple. No such luck. I took the starter out and it is ok. I can easily turn the engine over with a small bar on the flywheel, but it only goes about a quarter turn and then stops again. It turns back and forth in that 1/4 span fine but that is it. I don't hear anything at all when trying to turn it. I pulled the bottom off the air compressor just to check it and it appears ok. I am stumped. I would think a spun bearing would not turn at all, and a broken connecting rod would surely make some noise. Does anyone have any ideas about this ? I expect I'll have to pull the pan , but is there a reason I should look in another direction ? Thanks, Steve in PA
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