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steve s.

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  1. steve s.'s post in 1947 ex-firetruck restoration was marked as the answer   
    Thanks for the pictures James. Finding an oil pump for the 330 Continental engine should not be a problem. That engine was not only used in a lot of trucks, but it had dozens of industrial and agricultural applications. They are very good engines, too. There is a place that might even have a new old stock oil pump, Home Page - Montes Equipment   Here in the northeast there are still  a fair amount of old Brockways with that engine  to be found as well. 
  2. steve s.'s post in 1951 Mack A-40 Engine ID was marked as the answer   
    Your engine is an EN 377. Serial number 4365.  Bore and stroke 4"x5", 377 cubic inches.  Almost all Mack gas engines of that era called for a point gap of .022", you're real close. Are you looking for any specific information?  With any old truck that has been sitting for some time, you have to suspect some crap in the fuel system will cause you trouble. But in the other hand, it could be any number of things making it run rough. Good luck.
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