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Everything posted by captain_90

  1. So the fun began today,, First, the piston jugs would not move. Then the drive pulley for the fan would not move. After a coffee and a good smoke ( cigar ) I came to the conclusion that I must disconnect the rods from the crank to pull the jugs, and the only way is to remove the oil pan, which is part of the bell housing, which is connected to the transmission that I can't remove because I can't turn the crank to remove the clutch bolts. ( Am I having fun Yet ) I unbolted the tranny and held it with the gantry, unbolted the oil pan and removed it. Low and behold, I was now able to reach in between the flywheel and tranny to unbolt the clutch from underneath for six of the bolts and two through the top cover access. Yesssssss the tranny came off with ease. I'm ashamed to say,,,,,,,,,that's all I got done today. Maybe a better day tomorrow LOL
  2. Well the Merry season is over and it's time to get back to the project. We're down to the frame, but before I do it,, I want to see how the engine is. I am constantly amazed that the bolts are free, some even look like the came fresh from the factory ( after the baked on grease and dirt are removed ) I did find the two top water domes on the cylinder jugs were cracked and welded. One broke again and both are seized on. Surprisingly, after taking the crank inspection covers off, there is no rust in the bottom end of the engine, only a few cob webs hanging from the rods. Engine oil was good ,,,no water but there was water and ice in the tranny. After taking the PTO cover off and letting it drain, the gears are not rusted,,,lucky. Since the engine is stuck, I can't rotate the flywheel to dismount the clutch to remove the transmission, so I'll have to work backwards, take the piston jugs off first to free up the crank and then remove the tranny. I also found that the intake manifold is also cracked at it's own water jacket, so if anyone has one and the two water domes, please let me know. Thanks in advance. I'm still waiting for my package from the museum,,,,, should be here soon. I'll update periodically and have a good day.
  3. A Merry Christmas to all and a Happy New Year everyone, from way up north.
  4. Someone did a retro on all the rims, not a bad job, however not original. Not sure what rims these are that they welded on. Check the welds on second pic
  5. After sweeping the floor, making room all around the AB, clearing the shelves and taking 30 or so pictures before dismantlement,,,,,,,, it began. Hood off, front bumper off, head lights off, rad shutter control linkage, top rad support and hoses off, Fan and ( my gosh it's a flat stitched leather belt) off ( smart way to tension that belt with an eccentric shaft I thought) Rad off. Now lets see, what's next? What little there was for floor boards off, disconnect the stearing from cowl , air breather off, cowl off, throttle rod and linkage off with a part of the bell housing, disconnect clutch and break rods, clutch and break levers off with trans mount bracket, disconnect drive shaft and off. To my surprise, I only broke three bolts. amazingly all the linkage pins and adjusters were not seized. All the time I was working on the AB today I was astonished at the simplicity yet clever ways she was put together. I had to laugh at myself when I was looking for the dip stick of the engine. When I saw that automatic oil level indicator, bobbing up and down,,,,,,",well I'll be a monkeys uncle, isn't that slick" That was my day, all labeled and put on shelves, "Phew" I'll post some pictures as soon as the wifey transfers from my camera
  6. Will do Barry. Progress will be a little slow till after the new year. I need to wait for the Mack Museum's reply to see what it was originally,,dump, stake, tractor or even bus. This is my very first Mack,,,,, figure I'd start with history and work my way up LOL
  7. Found this picture of a 1923. Would be great to restore mine to look like this.
  8. It might be the same one,,,, it came from Vermont
  9. Thanks Jim. I've contacted the Mack museum and they told me not to expect anything till after the New Year, due to a four week backlog,, guess the boys are busy. I've got a weeks work to make a proper place for parts and breakdown of the truck. Then I'll start parts hunting and a complete off frame rebuild.
  10. Anyone else in Mack Land have a mid 20's Model AB that would like to share info and expertise with me? I likely need all the help I can get for mine. Photos, manuals and details would be greatly appreciated. I'll be taking more detailed pictures of mine as I get into this project. I'm thinking of taking many pictures as I disassemble,,,,,,,, if for no other reason than to remember where all the parts go LOL Thanks in advance,, Pete
  11. I just got this Truck a while ago and was told it was a 1924 AB. I'm checking out the serial number at the museum now. Hoping to bring her back to life soon.
  12. trying to post a picture
  13. Hello all, just saying hi as I'm new to the forum. I'm from Sault Ste Marie Ontario and have just bought myself a 1924 Mack model AB. Could'nt help myself when I saw it,,,,,,,,,and bought it. So now I'll probably be pestering a few people for help to locate parts and advice. I think the first, I'd like to ask, is there a way to find history by the serial number, and if so could someone direct me in the right direction. S/N 576674 I sure hope to see this project complete. The history of date,,,, Engine is stuck, carb is missing, cab is not there, looks like not original wheels( mack hub spokes were cut and welded to other rim to accommodate tire and tube), missing bulldog on rad cap, drive line is complete to double reduction rear axle. I've Got Work Any way,,,,,, saying Hi.
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