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Everything posted by LINKBELT

  1. replaced spline in trans. installing new clutch system, cannot get to adjust right. Tried for hours, when looks good ,will not fully release, pulled trans. again to check clutch. Any help much appreciated. Endt675,xio7 trans.
  2. 1980 MACK,ENDT675,,mechanic says trans. wore out,Any for sale?? Just completed inframe eng.overhaul.5 SPEED duplex,build sheet says trxl107 trans but think it has been changed,any ideas
  3. 1980 MACK,ENDT675,,mechanic says trans. wore out,Any for sale??
  4. punch out or grind out
  6. reckon i need to word this different, is there an eng. tranny combo that i can put in a 1980 MACK, EXISTING endtb676, trxl107 trans.
  7. Gentlemen, i need advice. 1980 Mack ,grapple truck. ENDTB676. Have spent about 10,000 getting truck usable to work, crane rotation gear box went out ,not rebuildable, cheapest i`ve found is 5000.00.. in the interim,smoking on start-up ,down time took to ROYSdiesel, no 6 is cold. drive for awhile,get rebuilt,buy rebuilt, buy used ??? have the trxl107 trans. which i`mnot real happy with , none of these younger men know or have the patience to learn to drive.
  8. PULLED nut ,used mini skid steer with forks under tire,it slid right off,brake drums were in very good cond. no groove,,brake pads half inch above rivet. put new air chambers on ,work good, may adjust slack adjusters after a lil more road driving. Try to start on Mack smoking next week .
  9. thanks for input,what` will be best way ,pull wheel ,hub and spindle as 1 unit,or seperate,have mini skid-steer ,forks to hold weight and pull and reset . any techniques will be helpful since we have not done one,basic autos and smaller trucks only.
  10. ty for input,i` probaly will hire the brakes out to be on the safe side .and will check into the pump setting before going further. Just had injectors rebuilt.
  11. what is required to pull front Dayton style wheel Brake Drum.?? vChange valve seals ENDTB676 ?? BURNS BLUE GRAY SMOKE 1ST 5-7 MINS. OF COLD START ,QUITS AND SMOKES NO MORE OTHER CPLE SECS.BLACK ON GEAR SHIFT .
  12. Dayton wheels,t ruck rated at 83000 with proper tires,don`t know why in the world it wound up with 11r24.5~s on it.I` reckon i`ll tag at lower gross weight and go with the 12r24.5`s around city, tandem grapple truck for tree serv.
  13. thanks guys, i reckon maybe i`ll just go to the 12r24.5!s ... What to go to the 22.5`s, tire sizes ??
  14. You said to go up ,to me i`m trying to go down .5 from 24.5 to 24 was told i can put 12r24.5 on my rims,still leaves me at 7800 lbs. per tire. where as 1200-24 are rated 9300 lbs.per tire .
  15. My truck has 1100-24.5 tires. Not enough for 18000 lb .axle. What do i have to do ,affordable ,to put 1200-24 tires on it. or any other heavier weight rated tires./ Front axle
  16. p.s no temp. gauge,speedo,r.p.m. gage working
  17. ON grapple, still trying to find specs .on the trk. crane, 24 ft. extendable. very slow and will not pick over a 1ooo lbs.. to add i have a total right shoulder sep. arm in sling for min. 4 more weeks ,so i`m relying on employees to ,LOL inspect and O.k. truck. wife is never gonna let me live this 1 down, and others to do some work to get it road and useable,, only recourse i know at this time, got rid of sub.contractor, that gave me the go ahead to buy. Put all my bread in this basket.
  18. on the grapple Hat, 2 stick ,1 gear box,other hi-low=rev. pto will not engage unless in gear,was using 4th,per Joe,but pretty convinced Joe don`t know.
  19. i ve got a US TRUCK CRANE K146-TSE GRAPPLE My driver o.k.`d me to pay for truck, drove it back from Greensboro,front inner wheel seals leaking,loose injector,cabfull of fumes,pencil size hole in main drivers side fuel tank, 4`th gear lips out of the hole,,no windshill wipers, all lines on grapple had to be replaced, main cyl. leaking too much to use. And i was told it was a good truck ,
  20. Does it matter what gear P.T.O. IS RUN IN??? Max rpm to run pto...
  21. Name: Mack grapple truck Date Added: Owner: LINKBELT LINKBELT
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