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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by Wobblin-Goblin

  1. Bingo. I wonder if Monk was using the wrong stuff. When it gets cold, you use the white bottle. When it gets arctic, use the red. Never heard of anyone having issues with either, and coincidentally, I've never heard of the white bottle additive failing in extreme temps, either.
  2. Not exactly apples-to-apples, but here's what I did with my 711: I used two pieces of hose that had fairly correct bends and connected them with a piece of exhaust tubing to get the correct length.
  3. Power Service additive gelled up?? I haven't ever heard of that.
  4. I would love to own and operate an R model from the '80s. When I was a kid, my father drove cement mixer for a local company. He also made tanker runs to Albany to pick up cement powder in the '70s. It was about a five hour round trip or so, and he drove a 237 for a few years and then a 300. Making the trip with him was a big thrill back then. I'd bring a pillow and occasionally fall asleep on some of the runs if they were in the wee hours of the morning (he'd leave around 3am on the morning runs). I used to love hearing a whine out of the engine and learned that it was the sound of the turbo. Sometimes when we'd go for an afternoon run, I'd sit up proud as a peacock going through town on our way out, hoping other kids from school would see me with my dad in that big Mack. Flipping on the engine brake was cool, too. Almost every time we'd stop at the Claverack Diner in NY for a quick bite. Those were good times. My dad drove Macks of all types, from H? models, to B models, to DMs, to Rs. Macks are in his blood, and thanks to him, they are in mine as well. The local concrete company that my dad worked for even held their last Mack mixer (a '70? DM800 with a 250hp 673 turbo and Quadbox) for a while to save it for me to drive for them (until it became apparent that I was going in a different direction professionally). Eventually, they put a dump body on it and then sold it years later to a race track. Today, I own a '64 B61SX dump truck and someday I'd like to add a B81, DM800, and R model to the fleet. I keep the B61 at my parents' farm, partly so my dad can see it every day.
  5. This is my story as well. I like the Bs, especially the B81s (they are my favorite Macks of all-time), but steel-nosed DMs and R models are hard to beat. I voted '70s and '80s.
  6. My uncle has a '58 B65LT. First pic is from '74 when my dad owned it and leased it out to a freight company. Second pic is from two years ago when my uncle found it in someone's yard and bought it. Third pic is what it looks like now. Aluminum parts that I know of: Hood Bumper mounts Rear spring mounts Fender pieces around headlights Transmission Radiator shutters Engine mounts(?) I think the metal part of the brake shoes are also aluminum. It has an air starter, too, to save weight.
  7. Not good news.
  8. Yeah, they appear to be photoshopped. Doesn't take away from the fact that Yvonne DeCarlo was a smoking babe, though. She was in The Ten Commandments, too.
  9. I have the chrome piece that bolts into the dash. It's the pull out ashtray part that I'm missing. If you have that and it's in OK shape I'm interested. Also interested in the B61 badges, too. Could you message me pics and price?
  10. Couple of pics of my 1964 B61SX dumping loads of fill, followed by a shot of it the day we finished phase one of the refurb. Last shot was taken 11 months ago the day we started the refurb job.
  11. I saw that parts list, too. And the price.
  12. Much of my business involves towing trailers up to 20,000lbs. I've driven GM products, Dodges, and Fords. They all get the job done, but if I were to buy a new pickup today, I believe I'd buy a Dodge Ram with a Cummins. My two current trucks are a 1994 Dodge Ram dually 4x4 Cummins with an NV4500 5spd (built way beyond what I just typed), and a 2003 F-350 4x4 7.3L Powerstroke with the 4R100 auto. Both get the job done, but having an exhaust brake on the Dodge (and it being a dually) gives it an edge over the Ford.
  13. I have the part that bolts into the dash, what I don't have is the part that fits into it (the ashtray itself?) Anyone have one in decent condition and willing to sell?
  14. Thanks, that was my guess as well. There were only 22-23k B40 series trucks made, so I knew this was later in the production run. Yes, I will start a new thread for the B42 when work on it starts.
  15. Quick update: as of this writing, I've hauled 75 loads of material in the Mack this year. We've had a few projects around the farm that required a fair amount of gravel and silt, so the B61 came in quite handy. I'll be posting a few more pics soon. BTW, my dad and I helped my uncle check out what appears to be a late model B42X (based on the 21554 VIN) that was repowered with a 673. We pushed it to start it, and he ended up buying it for a fair price. Here are a few pics:
  16. Hauled a few loads with the Mack today. Probably grossed around 53K or per load. Each load was 35 minutes round trip. The truck and its 711 with a Quad pulled very well. I like this truck.
  17. Heheheh. The stories I heard about it suggest that you'd almost be better off peddling with your feet.
  18. Before the switch to ULSD in '07, my '03 F-350 7.3L Powerstroke regularly got 20-21mpg hwy and 17-18 around town. I even got two consecutive tankfulls at 22.5mpg on a long trip. Since the switch, the absolute best I've been able to coax out of the truck is 19mpg, and that was only once. If I'm reasonably careful, I generally get 18-18.5mpg. So, in order to clean the environment, we're supposed to burn more diesel fuel. Gotcha.
  19. 1. Paint rear wheels. 2. Fix/repair/replace brake light valve. 3. Re-install windshield (even though everything is new, it leaks). 4. Find an ash tray for it. 5. Find "Thermodyne" and "B61" badges for it. 6. Install Maxis.
  20. Wow. $50k. Somebody's got more money than brains, lol.
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